Dr. Michael B. Brown is scheduled to be guest preacher at First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach the morning of March 19.
Then at 4 p.m., he’ll be joined by Rob Tanner to speak again on “Can Retirement Be Purposeful?”
Brown is an author (A Five-Mi
b'nai torah (4)
By Janis Fontaine
The Judaic holiday Rosh Hashana celebrates the biblical birthday of the world, and it’s a holiday from which everyone could really benefit. The 10 days between Rosh Hashana, which begins Sept. 25, and Yom Kippur, which begins Oct. 4
By Janis Fontaine
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton continues to grow and planned to welcome Rabbi Elana Rabishaw as its fourth full-time rabbi on July 1. She will join the clergy team that includes Rabbis Dan Levin, Jessica Spitalnic Mates and Greg Wei
Summer Faerman, with Salvation Army Major Cece LaLanne, got the idea for Little Free Food Pantries as she distributed books to a Little Free Library in Boca Raton. Photo provided
By Jan Engoren
Summer Faerman had an epiphany while replenishing books