By Margie Plunkett
Boca Raton counted 1,041 turtle nests along its five miles of beach as nesting season nears its close, bouncing back from 949 last year. But researchers saw an unusually high number of unhatched eggs.
“Our hatch success i
tropical storm erika (4)
Craig Yarbrough of Boynton Beach shows the mutton snapper he caught on Sept. 11
using a dead sardine on a circle hook while fishing on the Sea Mist III drift boat,
based at Boynton Harbor Marina.
Willie Howard/The Coastal Star
By Willie Howard
Surfers prepare to take on the remnants of Tropical Storm Erika along the beach at Palmetto Park Road
in Boca Raton. Strong winds and choppy surf attracted surfers and onlookers to the beaches.
Water jugs frozen. Check.
Cash from the ATM. Check.
Gas for the generator. Check.
We were prepared for Tropical Storm (or maybe Hurricane) Erika. Then after days of blowing (and raining) through the Caribbean, she hit the mountains of