The Friends of Gumbo Limbo raised more than $10,000 during an evening of food, drinks, music and auctions, with all proceeds going to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center’s educational and conservation programs. The Friends recognized Jim Abernethy, a conservat
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For the past two decades, Gumbo Limbo Nature Center’s (GLNC) Sea Turtle
Conservation team has rescued sick and injured sea turtles throughout southern Palm Beach County. In January,
2010 efforts were stepped up with the opening of their Sea Turtle
The Friends of Gumbo Limbo Board of Trustees members, (L-R) Steve Alley, President Michele Kurucz Peel, Susan Walker, ‘Luna’ The Green Sea Turtle, portrayed by Michele’s daughter Delaney, Treasurer Judy Gire and volunteer Elisabeth Hoffman, cheer on
A crowd of well-wishers gathers to watch Ryan Butts release Cindy in the Atlantic Ocean. Photos by Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star
By Ron Hayes
Giving the turtle a name was easy. Giving her back to the sea took months.
On July 28, a loggerhead turtle
I read the article written by Ron Hayes in the September issue of The Coastal Star. Although I always enjoy your newspaper, the article about Gumbo Limbo and the rescue of Cindy by Ryan Butts and his colleagues was of particular interest.
Although as
Ryan Butts, the turtle rehabilitation coordinator at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, works with volunteers Sue Comoglio (from left), Lloyd Wiener and and Connie Thomas-Mazur on Cindy, who was injured and lost her left flipper in a shark at
Whether you’re a seasoned South Florida beachcomber or a relative newcomer to coastal Palm Beach County, consider this either a timely reminder or a heads-up to one of the marvels Mother Nature is kind enough to let us witness every year.
There’s a certain sparkle in the air — regardless of whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, the winter solstice or Kwanzaa.
And that sparkle symbolizes hope. It symbolizes faith. And it symbolizes family and friend
They came. They relaxed. And then they headed out to sea from the same beach their ancestors have used for thousands of year.
The Gumbo Limbo Nature Center helped more than 50 baby loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles on their journey
Educational field trips to the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in coastal Boca Raton may continue despite the school district’s budget having no money for them.
In June, Palm Beach County School Superintendent Art Johnson advised Boca Raton