A proposed home at 2600 N. Ocean Blvd. east of State Road A1A won a variance from the Boca Raton City Council on Oct. 8. The plans still need approval from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection before construction can begin. A larger sc
coastal construction control line (13)
The proposed home at 2600 N. Ocean Blvd. would have two living floors, basement and a rooftop terrace with pool Renderings provided
City Council will have the final say
By Steve Plunkett
Boca Raton’s Environmental Advisory Board has delivered a stro
Coastal construction rule changes approved — The Town Commission gave final approval Nov. 6 to a pair of ordinances that relax some restrictions the town placed on coastal construction in 2020, eliminating the need for homeowners to get a variance in
Owners’ argument for property rights awaits final votes
Ocean Ridge is ready to draw a new, more accommodating line in the sand for the town’s beach property owners.
Town commissioners plan to scale back some earlier regulations t
The Mizner-designed clubhouse at the Gulf Stream Golf Club is 100 years old. Photo provided
By Steve Plunkett
The Gulf Stream Golf Club is working on a plan to demolish a portion of its 100-year-old Addison Mizner-designed clubhouse and build a new t
By Larry Barszewski
New members of Ocean Ridge’s Planning and Zoning Commission appear ready to give the Town Commission some advice: Make it less of a hassle for property owners to build in town.
They were appointed by a three-member Town Commission
LEFT: The 1979 Coastal Construction Control Line, shown in yellow, is farther east than the 1997 line, shown in purple. Both are east of State Road A1A. Map provided by Engenuity Group Inc. and Town of Ocean Ridge
By Larry Barszewski
A 2020 Ocean Rid
By Steve Plunkett
Boca Raton’s City Council must reconsider its 5-0 decision not to grant permission to build a duplex on the beach, Palm Beach County circuit judges say.
Council members Andrea O’Rourke and Monica Mayotte prejudged the application by
By Steve Plunkett
Lawyers for the owner of an undeveloped lot at 2500 N. Ocean Blvd. made another unsuccessful attempt July 23 to win permission to build on the beach.
The City Council voted 5-0 not to grant a variance allowing construction east of t
By Steve Plunkett
A long-anticipated review of controversial plans to build a four-story duplex on Boca Raton’s beach has been delayed indefinitely.
The city’s Environmental Advisory Board was scheduled to review the proposal for 2600 N. Ocean Blvd.
By Sallie James
A plan to build a controversial 49-foot-tall, 14,270-square-foot duplex and a mansion on the north end of Boca Raton’s beach is slated for review Oct. 18 by the city’s Environmental Advisory Board.
The EAB advises the Planning and Zo
At issue is whether building should continue east of Coastal Construction Line
By Jane Smith and Michelle Quigley
If a major hurricane were to hit the barrier island in southern Palm Beach County, $6.4 billion in mansions and condos sitting ea
ABOVE: The ultra-modern four-story duplex could feature wide open glass exposure on the beach side. BELOW: The side facing A1A would have access to the four-car garage. Renderings provided
By Steve Plunkett
A volunteer group led by a barrier isl