In 2014 and early 2015, the town of Gulf Stream found itself under assault from Martin O’Boyle and Christopher O’Hare, two residents who overwhelmed the town with thousands of public records requests and dozens of lawsuits. Town Hall became virtu
christopher o'hare (6)
By Dan Moffett
It should surprise no one in Gulf Stream that Mayor Scott Morgan and the town’s two litigious residents, Martin O’Boyle and Chris O’Hare, look back on 2015 with radically different opinions about their dueling court cases.
As a co-defendant in the town of Gulf Stream’s recent RICO lawsuit, I would like to set the record straight. The town initiated this action for one purpose — to censor, intimidate and silence its critics.
I have been very careful to make sure
By Dan Moffett
Gulf Stream town commissioners have unanimously voted to appeal a judge’s ruling that dismisses their federal racketeering lawsuit against residents Martin O’Boyle and Christopher O’Hare.
Commissioners also have agreed to conti
By Tim O’Meilia
The logo on the main page of “The Un-Official Guide to the Town of Gulf Stream” website includes an upside-down town seal. Take that as a hint to the content within.
Christopher O’Hare in his Pineapple Grove Designs factory. Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star
Video: Firehock Memorial Reef
By Cheryl Blackerby
Christopher O’Hare first started worrying about the fish in Lake Worth Lagoon when he moved to Ocean Ridge in