"I had always respected your reporting, but after learning that the the owners of this newspaper have contributed to the campaign of Mr. Boylston’s opponent, this one-sided story will make me question future stories. You tried to turn a story about a…"
"The architectural design of Delray Place is so unattractive that I would not support expanding it at all. I do not live in Tropic Isle, but find the idea that a developer can take over a charming residential development entrance is unacceptable.…"
"Many thanks to The Coastal Star for high quality reporting on this follow up story. We will surely have many hours of discussions with our neighbors about the information you shared. You have done a far better job about this than any other…"
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Welcome to The Coastal Star online! Be sure to join one of our local groups for up-to-the-minute news updates and conversations with your neighbors along the shore. Thank you for visiting!