Mary Kate Leming's Discussions (9828)

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Black Friday Shopping

Black Friday Thanksgiving day, as I was eating my turkey, my friend asked me if I wanted to join her in some early morning shopping. There she was, surrounded by catalogs and newspaper advertisements from every big box I had ever heard of. “Old Navy

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RIP - Bill Dunn

We are out of the country and shocked to hear about the passing of a really great guy: Bill Dunn. If anyone has information on this tragic accident, please let us know. Sadly and sincerely, Mary Kate & Jerry Lower

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Mail delivery problem?

Hello all - I had the following email from reader in Briny Breezes. We are curious if any of you who live in condos have a similar problem with the Post Office. Please let us know. Thank You, Mary Kate Mary Kate, we are having a problem with the USP

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Become a docent!

On September 23 at 4:00 p.m. the Delray Beach Historical Society is having a docent meeting at Cason Cottage Museum, 3 NE First Street. The meeting is to get additional local people interested in participating in the docent program. The cottage is op

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