Letters to the Editor: A1A bike lanes?
When did A1A become a publicly funded exercise facility? So much for the bike lanes. I propose an A1A volleyball tournament. William Kuntz, Hypoluxo Island
When did A1A become a publicly funded exercise facility? So much for the bike lanes. I propose an A1A volleyball tournament. William Kuntz, Hypoluxo Island
Local Voices Given the recently published articles on motorists’, bicyclists’ and pedestrians’ difficulty “sharing the road,” it is probably a good time to remind everyone of the law: • In Florida, when operated on the roadway, bicycles are vehicle
Read more…This is a tough time to ask for a year-end donation for any worthy organization, but 1000 Friends of Florida is in the field from Tallahassee to the Florida Keys making a significant difference for Florida’s future. It is no secret that Gov. Charlie
Read more…I have just finished reading your March 7, 2009, issue. What a pleasure it is to read real news regarding my community of Ocean Ridge. I am an active participant in my community, attending Town Commission meetings as well as meetings of the Planning
Read more…In his letter to the editor last month, Earl Jones wrote that bicyclists should ride in bike lanes where bike lanes are provided, and that police departments should enforce the 3-foot minimum passing distance. The problem is that the majority of mot
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What a welcome attraction The Coastal Star is! Interesting articles, helpful information related to contractors, real estate, restaurants, etc.; the newspaper makes for an enjoyable read.
As a resident of South Palm Beach, I found the articl
The Palm Beach Post reported an Ocean Ridge woman had snakes pour out of her bathtub faucet: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/south/epaper/2008/09/15/0915snakes.html Do you believe this is possible?
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