12305348493?profile=RESIZE_710xCorey Merritt and his son Henry, 6, avoid the incoming tide as it crashes into and erodes the dunes at the north end of Delray Beach. Photos by Tim Stepien and Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star

12305351260?profile=RESIZE_584xHeavy weather just shy of a tropical storm rating brought days of wind, rain and intense waves in mid-November. RIGHT: Guests staying at Delray Sands Resort in Highland Beach take selfies with crashing seas behind them. BELOW: Diners eat lunch behind the protective plastic curtain at Caffe Luna Rosa in Delray Beach. High winds accompanied the rain, with some areas along the South Florida coastline experiencing gusts up to 70 mph.12305358254?profile=RESIZE_710x

12305358283?profile=RESIZE_710xABOVE: Residents of Southeast Wavecrest Way in Boca Raton drive through their flooded neighborhood in a golf cart. BELOW: Ocean Ridge resident Edward Sivri works to clear his driveway after winds knocked over this sea grape tree.12305358869?profile=RESIZE_710x

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