Thank you for your excellent coverage of the septic-to-sewer issue in Ocean Ridge and surrounding coastal communities. We must, however, face the reality that during the estimated 10 years such a conversion would take, residents’ lives will be signif
sea rise (4)
By Mary Hladky
Seven municipalities and Palm Beach County have joined forces to determine how they are threatened by climate change and to devise ways to protect residents from its effects.
Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Highland Beach, Lak
By Dan Moffett
Confronted with threats posed by rising seas and overly aggressive builders, Ocean Ridge commissioners are grappling with tough decisions about how much to tighten the town’s building rules.
At their Nov. 5 meeting, the commissioners wi
By Dan Moffett
Problems caused by rising seas are forcing rising expenditures to seep into the Ocean Ridge budget.
During the next fiscal year, town commissioners are considering spending roughly $125,000 on new stormwater infrastructure for the flo