results (73)
Unofficial results from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
Unofficial results from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
Unofficial results from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
Unofficial results from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.
Unofficial Results from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections:
Mayor-elect Cary Glickstein’s family friend, retired Judge William Gladstone (center), shares a story before administering the oath of office in the Delray Beach City Commission chambers March 28. Pictured: Commissioner Al Jacquet, Commissioner-elect
Lantana council members Malcolm Balfour and Lynn Moorehouse (center) cut a cake as Moorehouse’s wife, Celeste, watches at a council meeting. Kurtis Boggs/The Coastal Star
In Lantana, it only took 284 votes for Hypoluxo Island resident Malcolm Balfour
Town voters, the few who did vote, overwhelmingly approved a charter change imposing term limits on the mayor and commissioners by a 52-14 margin.
Elected officials can serve a maximum of three consecutive two-year terms as either mayor or commis
Manalapan Town Clerk Lisa Petersen administers the oath of office to Commissioner-Elect Chauncey Johnstone (left), Mayor-Elect David Cheifetz, Commisioner Tom Thornton and Commissioner-Elect Peter Isaac in the Commission Chambers. Kurtis Boggs/The Co
Municipal Elections
(For election results, please click on links below)
Delray Beach: Two candidates for mayor | Three candidates vie for commission | Length of terms and tax breaks on ballot
By Tim O’Meilia
The South Palm Beach Town Council is going green. Not environmentally speaking, butexperience-wise.
Two new council members, Stella Jordan and Susan Lillybeck, were sworn at the March23 Town Council meeting by U. S. District
Louis DeStefano - 77.88% | Gerald Kent Shortz - 22.12%
Total votes: 208
Howard Roder - 57.64% | Thomas Thorton - 42.36%
Total votes: 203
Lynn Allison - 74.44% | Nancy Hogan - 25.56%
Total votes: 313