Hundreds of people took part in the annual Memorial Day commemorative ceremony.
TOP: The Coastmen Chorus sings the national anthem. ABOVE: Boca Raton High School Naval Junior ROTC Officer Cadet Velasquez presents arms during the ceremony. RIGHT: A ca
memorial day (11)
Honoring the fallen
Memorial Day, once known as Decoration Day, began after the Civil War to remember the fallen of that conflagration. It now honors all who have died in military service to the country. More than 100 people gathered at the Delray Be
Honoring the fallen
Memorial Day, once known as Decoration Day, began after the Civil War to remember the fallen of that conflagration. It now honors all who have died in military service to the country.
Kristin and Frank Augustine were among several South Palm Beach customers in a matter of minutes to buy drinking water on Memorial Day at the Publix in Plaza del Mar. Right after they did, an employee restocked the supply with 14 cases of bottled wat
Garden Club unveils Blue Star Memorial Marker at Town Hall
A crowd gathers on Memorial Day for the unveiling of a Blue Star Memorial at Ocean Ridge Town Hall. Photos by Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star
By Ron Hayes
This past Memorial Day, members of the
ABOVE: Members of the Boca Raton Police and Fire Honor Guard pause amid silence during the Memorial Day ceremony at the Boca Raton Cemetery. The May 28 event featured veterans groups, city officials and drills by Boca Raton Community High School’s Na
South Palm Beach honored those who served with a Memorial Day program also dedicated
to two former Town Council members: Woody Gorbach, a World War II veteran who died
in October, and Vice Mayor Dr. Joe Flagello, who died suddenly in March. ABOVE: Me
The Palm Beach County Veterans Committee remembered and honored military personnel
who died in service to the country during the annual Memorial Day Ceremony
attended by local politicians and family members. The service ended
with a flyover by a vin
Members of the Boca Raton Community High School unit of the Navy Junior ROTC
stand at attention during a Memorial Day Observance at the Boca Raton City Cemetery.
Philip Vale, WWII USCGC, and fellow veterans honor members of the military
who were kil
St Joseph’s Episcopal School fifth-grader Veronica McCord helps Jewish War vets Irving Schildkraut and Tony Deutsch as they decorate grave sites at the Boynton Beach Memorial Park in honor of Memorial Day. About 30 children and veterans teamed up to
May heralds summer and the newspaper office starts to heat up during the long afternoons. My husband calls it the “sweat pit.” He’s dead set on replacing the
aging, noisy AC units above our doors. He’s o