Manalapan was especially hard-hit when days of pounding from Hurricane Sandy undermined sea walls at more than 20 homes.
Many complained that poorly maintained sea walls at one property caused the sea wall of their neighbors to fail.
2012 photos by J
lessons learned from sandy (7)
“Mother Nature was saying a little storm — not even a hurricane at the time — could come through and cause so much havoc. Mother Nature will always prevail. We could learn from the ancient Indians who didn’t build their settlements right on the c
FORT LAUDERDALE : Intense beach development without building up a vegetative buffer offered little resistance when Sandy overran A1A in Fort Lauderdale. 2012 photo by Susan Stocker/Sun-Sentinel
A Coastal Star Special Report:
Hurricane shows just how
A Coastal Star Special Report:
Hurricane shows just how fragile our shores are
Sand is finite: Sand becoming a precious commodity | A lexicon of sand
Dunes vs. Sea walls: Natural vegetative dunes may be best defense | Stopping sand loss is a complic
A Coastal Star Special Report:
Hurricane shows just how fragile our shores are
Sand is finite: Sand becoming a precious commodity | A lexicon of sand
Dunes vs. Sea walls: Natural vegetative dunes may be best defense | Stopping sand loss is a complic
Beach renourishment: Renourishment is a modern term used for sand replacement on beaches that have lost sand to erosion or storms. Replacement sand comes from offshore dredging near the beaches or is trucked in from inland Florida mines.
A Coastal Star Special Report:
Hurricane shows just how fragile our shores are
Sand is finite: A lexicon of sand
Dunes vs. Sea walls: Natural vegetative dunes may be best defense | Stopping sand loss is a complicated business
Who is taking action?: