Related stories: Homes sales fetch high prices despite slowdown in volume after pandemic |Condo sales slow; prices stay high
By Mary Hladky
After soaring for two years, taxable values of Palm Beach County properties are now heading back to earth.
Related stories: Homes sales fetch high prices despite slowdown in volume after pandemic |Condo sales slow; prices stay high
By Mary Hladky
After soaring for two years, taxable values of Palm Beach County properties are now heading back to earth.
By Steve Plunkett
Gulf Stream’s license plate recognition cameras are “actually working phenomenally” a year after being installed, Police Chief Richard Jones said.
“What we currently have in place has been very effective,” he told town commissioners
Thank you so much for the article on “predatory parking.” I think we have fallen victim to the same scam. My 23-year-old son borrowed my car and we were slapped with a fine. I, of course, questioned him and he said he drove through the lot on Second
By Anne Geggis
From now on, State Road A1A will be dedicated to the man who drove home how changes in latitudes can change one’s attitude.
Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 27 signed a bill that passed unanimously in both chambers of the state Legislature de
The roof of this home on Harbour Drive North has been in need of repair for years. Coastal Star photo
By Anne Geggis
A house in disrepair — for years now — is among the reasons that Ocean Ridge town leaders plan to consider dedicating a new position
By Steve Plunkett
A half year after 10 coastal elected officials from southern Palm Beach County resigned their seats rather than be forced to fill out a more-detailed inventory of their wealth, a federal judge has stepped in and put the new state re
Natalie Gauthier and Michael Crouteau from Quebec lounge by a cliff of sand in May just north of Boynton Beach Oceanfront Park. The erosion and dead vegetation reflect past storm damage. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star
Related: Hurricane season: What to
Homes like this one in Sanibel can withstand hurricanes, as seen following Hurricane Ian striking the Gulf Coast island city in 2022, but removing a mountain of debris is still costly. Photo provided
Related: Hurricane season: What to expect
This frame grab from video shot by Wavy Boats, an online video producer, shows the trash dumping. Two teenagers on the boat surrendered to law enforcement. Photo provided
By Mary Hladky
Boca Bash always is a wild event, but this year’s April 28 bacch
By Steve Plunkett
The water level below the surface in Gulf Stream’s Core district is higher than anyone expected and stalled the onset of road work for weeks while the contractor sought an additional permit.
Residents were quick to notice that not m
Demolition equipment tears apart the home at 2900 Avenue Au Soleil in mid-May. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star
By Steve Plunkett
The new owner of 2900 Avenue Au Soleil has leveled the decrepit home on the Intracoastal Waterway and its detached, multi-ve
By Steve Plunkett
Gulf Stream has taken a $52,333 step toward flipping from Delray Beach to Boynton Beach for its drinking water.
Even without a formal agreement, town commissioners authorized spending that amount to pay for the engineering costs of
Pick up your poop bags — Gulf Stream resident P.K. Murphy, who lives in the Core district, is concerned about poop bags being littered “all over the roads,” Town Clerk Renee Basel told Gulf Stream commissioners at their May meeting.
“She says they’re
GULF STREAM — Born Feb. 4, 1961, in Hamburg, Germany, Gerti God grew to be a very independent woman who knew what she wanted. Though life did not come easy, she was never afraid of hard work.
A video posted on Instagram by Wavy Boats went viral and led to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission charging two teens from Gulf Stream and Boynton Beach for allegedly dumping trash in the ocean. The teens had been attending Boca Ba
Unintended conse-quences. Who would have guessed 20 years ago that big, white square houses would be all the rage? Who could have known FEMA, faced with the reality of rising water, would set new requirements for floor levels? And I suppose it should
By Anne Geggis
Add Manalapan to the list of coastal municipalities in South Palm Beach County where officials are hearing about larger-sized homes that don’t blend into their existing neighborhoods.
Delray Beach in March passed new limitations for ho
By Steve Plunkett
Roadway catch basins are stacked up behind Town Hall, and the right-of-way on Wright Way is staked out, but even before Gulf Stream’s street and drainage improvement project in its Core district kicked off, officials were making cha
By Anne Geggis
The three traffic citations a Lantana woman received after driving her 2020 Kia Soul into a group of cyclists on State Road A1A in Gulf Stream in January — injuring three critically — won’t leave any marks on her driving record.
A judg
By Steve Plunkett
With Gulf Stream officials saying they’re close to a deal to get water from Boynton Beach, its longtime supplier Delray Beach has issued a drop-dead date — June 17, 2025 — to get off its system.
Gulf Stream and Boynton Beach elected