Patrick Goddard, president of Virgin Trains, speaks during a news conference after the City Council’s 5-0 vote to OK a station in Boca Raton. From left are Andrea O’Rourke, Mayor Scott Singer, Jeremy Rodgers and Monica Mayotte. Tim Stepien/The Coasta
friends of the library (5)
This south-facing image shows Dixie Highway on the left and a vegetative buffer between the proposed parking garage and the Library Commons neighborhood on the right. Rendering provided
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By Mary Hladky
City officials need more detailed information from Virgin Trains USA before negotiations can begin on building a new station in Boca Raton.
City staff and Virgin Trains officials have held two meetings since the company notified the cit
By Steve Plunkett
More than a month before the new downtown library opened, the Friends of the Library started beating the drums for more money.
“Ours is a world-class city, and it is imperative that our libraries be world-class as well,” S
By Rich Pollack
A resident who in February publicly shared neighbors’ concerns about the town manager’s oversight of the library and its director now says he is satisfied that the issues have been resolved.
“We are very pleased to have bee