Our “Village by the Sea” is being placed at risk by Delray Resolution 71-015, unanimously adopted by the City Commission in December.
The resolution commits the city to a 3,000-mile “urban Appalachian Trail” that connects 15 states along the
Our “Village by the Sea” is being placed at risk by Delray Resolution 71-015, unanimously adopted by the City Commission in December.
The resolution commits the city to a 3,000-mile “urban Appalachian Trail” that connects 15 states along the
By Jane Smith
A small but vocal group of beach property owners persuaded the City Commission to revisit a December resolution supporting the East Coast Greenway.
They reached out to state Rep. Bill Hager, who sent a letter to the Delray Beach m
Is Delray Beach sure it wants an “Urban Appalachian Trail”?
If you have ever been on the actual Appalachian Trail, you would find that the users are hardy, backpacking, great folks who live in tents/sleeping bags, dig holes for latrines, eat p
The Delray Beach portion of the East Coast Greenway (green line)
next goes to the Florida Department of Transportation for approval.
Map provided
By Jane Smith
Delray Beach will join cities from Maine to Key West to create an “Urban Appalac