ABOVE: The boardwalk at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is family friendly and provides an easy way to get close to nature. BELOW LEFT: This red-shouldered hawk looks for a late afternoon meal. 2017 Photos by Jerry Lower/T
arthur r marshall loxahatchee national wildlife r (3)
A father and son take in the peacefulness of the Cypress Swamp.
Photos by Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star
Baton Rouge, a lichen, grows where the air quality is good.
Spider lilies are among the varied flora in the national refuge.
Aaron Medow puts in his kayak with the other Tuesday/Thursday Paddlers at
Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park in Boynton Beach to paddle along the Intracoastal
Waterway. Photo by Tim Stepien
For information on paddling groups in our area, click here.
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