Nicole Hill, certified physician assistant, demonstrates UltraClear skin resurfacing laser on Dr. Joseph Gretzula. It treats fine lines, deep wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, scarring, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Photo provided
By Jan Engoren
Nicole Hill, certified physician assistant, demonstrates UltraClear skin resurfacing laser on Dr. Joseph Gretzula. It treats fine lines, deep wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, scarring, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Photo provided
By Jan Engoren
Voice therapist Linda Barrantes helps patient Peter Levine perform
voice exercises at her Boca Raton office.
Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star
By Paula Detwiller
Peter Levine of Delray Beach wasn’t alarmed when his deep, baritone voice began to get
A ‘family’ portrait of the seniors in Arden Moore’s household: (l-r) Chipper, 10; Cleo, 10 and Murphy, 14. In dog years, Arden is 10. A dog’s age in human years is calculated on age and weight. The old saying that one year in a dog’s life equals se
Bernie Marcus, chairman of the Marcus Foundation
and co-founder and former CEO of The Home Depot,
and his wife, Billi, announce their $25 million gift to
Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Images provided
With the new $25 million