Is Delray Beach sure it wants an “Urban Appalachian Trail”?
    If you have ever been on the actual Appalachian Trail, you would find that the users are hardy, backpacking, great folks who live in tents/sleeping bags, dig holes for latrines, eat prepared rations and really enjoy the outdoor life, some for a year at a time.
    Might the East Coast Greenway trail belong more in remote, unpopulated areas?
    Let the East Coast Greenway be directed to the beautiful scenery of our wildlife preserves, saving a whole lot of money, plus offering all of the open space that is really required for such a trail.
    Another location just might be along railroad rights of way, which should be perfect, as it would beautify those desolate looking areas.     
    Not sure what Resolution No 71-015 is, other than a misguided nightmare. Might there be a negative economic benefit from “long distance travelers”?
    We already have sidewalks and bike lanes in Delray Beach that have been built at great expense and serve local residents very well. Anyone who wants to go outside can already do so.
    Has the East Coast Greenway trail really been thought through?
Fred Taubert
Delray Beach

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  • Dear Mr. Taubert,

    Thank you for your concerns. In working on the East Coast Greenway over the years, we've heard concerns like these and overwhelmingly opponents have come to appreciate the Greenway once they better understand its benefits.

    Several East Coast Greenway users are indeed long-distance tourists, exploring the history, culture, and vistas of our Eastern Seaboard. Staying in hotels and eating at restaurants, these bicyclists also help stimulate the local economies of the towns and cities they visit. 

    Most East Coast Greenway users are locals, enjoying a safe route to school or work, to run errands, or to get some exercise. Sometimes the trail passes through more remote places, though access is one of the benefits of having it nearby, connecting communities.

    We hope that Delray Beach will join the ranks of Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and more than 100 other local governments in building trails for bicyclists and walkers, becoming part of the East Coast Greenway trail system, and reaping all of the benefits that other "trail towns" are already enjoying. 


    East Coast Greenway Alliance

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