Junior League past presidents at a Junior League of Boca Raton president’s luncheon in 2008: Seated, from left: Mary Csar (1990), Carole Putman (1989), Dorothy MacDiarmid (2005), Kristin Calder (2007), Kathy Adkins (2006), Lisa Mulhall (1997), Lisa Bariso (2004); Standing, from left: Carole Stalling, Susan Saxton (1991), Constance Scott, Jayne Malfitano (1994), Barbara Hill (1993), Pattie Damron (1992), Katharine Dickenson (1979), Betsy Owen, Sally Schmid, Mary Lavalle (1980), Debbie Abrams (1999), Sue Diener (2000), Elizabeth Pankey-Warren (2001), Cindy Krebsbach (2002) and Michelle Rubin (1998). Photos courtesy of the Junior League of Boca Raton
Diners gather for the Junior League of Boca Raton’s
Nov. 10 ‘Savor the Grove’ event in downtown
Delray Beach’s Pineapple Grove. Photo by Jerry Lower
Revelers mingle inside Treasures for Charity during ‘Savor the Grove.’
Photo by Jerry Lower
Members of the Junior League accept the donation
of 200,000 diapers donated by Huggies for the league’s diaper bank. Photo by Jerry Lower
Past presidents Jeanne Baur (1973), Samantha Vassallo (2000),
Joan Moseley (1971) and Kristin Calder (2007) at
the 2010 past presidents luncheon.