The fate of what has been dubbed the Arts Warehouse, a 15,000-square-foot building in Artists Alley purchased by Delray Beach’s Community Redevelopment Agency in 2010, remains as uncertain as that of the surrounding area.
Little has been done to the warehouse, initially envisioned as an arts incubator — with art classes, gallery space and room for studios that artists could rent — since it was purchased five years ago.
But at its Nov. 19 meeting, the CRA board gave new life to the idea of an arts incubator, voting to seek grant money for the project and also requesting that staff members explore the possibility of finding a partner to help make the warehouse a reality.
During that same meeting, attorney Joe White, who earlier this year purchased the row of warehouse buildings to the north that are a major part of Artists Alley, introduced another option for the building.
White would like to see it bulldozed to make way for a block-long mixed use project he envisions for the area that would include studio space for artists, townhomes, retail space as well as a performance center.
“We’re trying to unify the arts in one location,” said White, who plans to have further discussions with the CRA about the proposal.
For now, however, uncertainty remains.
— Jane Smith
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