Starfish earrings and necklace
How much: Earrings ($12), necklace ($15)
Where: Mercer-Wenzel, 401 E. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach.
Phone: 278-2885.
These rhinestone-studded baubles are a bargain at $12, but they also pack a fair amount of style. Mercer-Wenzel also had an array of jewels in sea turtle and other marine motifs. These are a perfect gift for the kids to give Grandma or their teacher. They also are a nice little stocking stuffer for those other special ladies in our lives — a favorite waitress, the housekeeper who goes the extra mile — or a little inexpensive gift for yourself. And they’re made in America.
Iron seahorse
bottle opener
How much: $11.50
Where: The Beached Boat, 206 NE Second St., No. 102, Delray Beach. Phone: 278-3130.
This seahorse is pretty and practical. It has the right rustic feel, and a nice heft. It’s also a great stocking stuffer and that we predict will have customers galloping over to the Beached Boat to stock up on them.