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Obituary: Bruce Gimmy

By Rich Pollack

DELRAY BEACH — For 32 years, until he retired in 2017, Bruce Gimmy’s name was synonymous with the Trouser Shop, a unique business he ran on Atlantic Avenue that evolved with the times, yet never quite changed enough to lose its “old Delray” charm.

11197272069?profile=RESIZE_180x180Mr. Gimmy, whose personality was at times as colorful as the slacks and sports jackets he showcased in the Trouser Shop, died May 1. He was 80 years old.

“He was a true downtown force,” said Downtown Development Authority Executive Director Laura Simon. “Although he was the owner of a teeny space, his impact on the community was huge. He was larger than life.”

Even as trends moved away from the flashy to the practical, Mr. Gimmy never surrendered the past and continued to offer slacks and shorts with bright prints, patches and plaids.

In a bit of a contrast, for many years the Trouser Shop was one of the few places in the area customers could find tailored tuxedos, with Mr. Gimmy often working the sewing machine.

A fixture in downtown fashion shows during Delray Fashion Week and during January Art and Jazz Fashion Nights before that, Mr. Gimmy was one of the most impressive models on the stage and one of the few men on the runway.

“He wore the craziest things he could find in the shop,” Simon said. “He loved it and he got the biggest applause.”

Often Mr. Gimmy would be accompanied at the fashion shows by his longtime customer and friend, Steve Miskew.

“I have such fond memories of our walking the runways of Delray Fashion Week — intercepting odd gazes in the wings from the ‘other models’ — and Bruce hamming it up at every turn,” Miskew said.

A character who never missed the chance to find the spotlight if it could benefit the Trouser Shop, Mr. Gimmy was also a serious business owner who was an early champion of Delray Beach’s small downtown businesses.

“He was there from the very beginning of the transformation of downtown Delray Beach in the early ’90s,” said Marjorie Ferrer, who held several downtown marketing leadership roles and was a driving force for its revitalization. “He was part of the dream team, dreaming about what downtown could be and did become.”

A member of the Downtown Development Authority board of directors and the city’s parking board for 25 years, Mr. Gimmy was a fierce advocate for local merchants and for making sure that congestion and parking problems didn’t hamper the downtown’s success.

“He was very passionate about the revitalization of downtown,” Simon said.

A champion for his 400 block of East Atlantic Avenue, Mr. Gimmy was a good neighbor to businesses nearby, welcoming them and offering support.

He was also a good neighbor in Ocean Ridge, where he and his wife, Joanne, had found a home in the 1980s that they lived in — while helping to raise two grandsons — until they sold and moved to Boynton Beach in 2021. “He was a nice person and an excellent neighbor,” said former neighbor Betty Bingham. “He was a character, but he was a good man.”

Bingham said that Mr. Gimmy wore many of his collection of slacks at home, not just in the store.

“I always enjoyed the different pants he wore,” she said. “I guess it was quasi-advertising for his store.”

Mr. Gimmy grew up in suburban Reading, Pennsylvania, and Stone Harbor, New Jersey, attended Michigan State University and held several jobs in the hospitality industry before coming to Florida and taking over the Trouser Shop from then-owner Nick Vitale.

Even though he had retired, Mr. Gimmy continued to own the property where the store sat and continued to support the community.

In a 2010 interview with The Coastal Star, Mr. Gimmy — who loved wordplay — said that one of his favorite phases was “press on.”

“He was a kind, colorful — pun intended — character,” Miskew said.

Private services were held last month.

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Obituary: Vicki Cody Mack

BOYNTON BEACH — Vicki Cody Mack, gardener, avid Dolphins fan and stranger to no one she met, died May 5. She was 67.  

11197112085?profile=RESIZE_180x180Born Sept. 24, 1955, to Rayden and Ann Cody in Burlington, Vermont, Vicki Cody attended St. Michael’s College in Essex, Vermont, before relocating to Florida, where she graduated from Barry University with a master’s degree in English. 

On June 21, 1980, Vicki married her great love and best friend, Warren Mack. Over the next 42 years, they enjoyed life and family, raising three children, Colleen, Andrea and Cody.

Vicki was an avid reader, active gardener and enthusiastic Miami Dolphins season-ticket holder, but above all, she was a loving mother, wife, grandmother and sister.

For her children, she was Girl Scout troop leader, room mom, pep-talk giver and confidante. With her husband, she turned their house into a home, a joyous space to raise their children, to celebrate successes, and to mourn losses together.

Mrs. Mack lit up every room she walked into and could make you laugh within seconds. Her warmth and welcoming personality left no one a stranger to her.

Mrs. Mack is survived by her husband; children Colleen Mack Rynne (Josh), Andrea Mack Drawas (Jesse) and Cody Mack; grandchildren Madeline, James, Ruby and Hazel; her loving sister, Mary Ann Cody; her beloved aunt and godmother, Mary (Frederick) Bashara; her aunt Janet Dutil; and her 33 first cousins.  

In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to St. Jude Children’s Hospital or the Ann Cody Wekiva Youth Camp Scholarship through the Ocean Ridge Garden Club.

— Obituary submitted by the family

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Meet Your Neighbor: Cat Kelly

11197291855?profile=RESIZE_710xCat Kelly of Ocean Ridge plans to make the 83-mile crossing from Bimini to Lake Worth Beach on her paddleboard this month as part of an annual event. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star

For paddleboard enthusiasts along the coastal towns of southern Palm Beach County who consider their sport more than recreation, “The Crossing” is the Holy Grail: an epic 83-mile marathon from Bimini to Lake Worth Beach that demands physical, mental and emotional fortitude.

As the calendar turns over to June 25, roughly 200 such enthusiasts will enter the Atlantic Ocean from the beach in Bimini and head west across what they hope will be relatively calm Gulf Stream waters. They will fight fatigue, dehydration and exposure to the sun in hopes of arriving late that afternoon at the Lake Worth Beach pier.

Among them in this 10th annual event will be Ocean Ridge resident Cat Kelly, who just 15 months ago underwent surgery on a torn labrum and biceps in her right arm.

Kelly is hoping to complete the solo crossing for the first time.

“She’s always been very adventurous, and loves the ocean,” her mother, Elizabeth Kelley-Grace, said of Cat, who spells her last name differently. “I’m very proud of her.”

Kelly, 28, hopes to raise $5,000 toward a nationwide effort aimed at a $1 million goal to fight cystic fibrosis. The organizer of this year’s event, Travis Suit of Palm Beach Gardens, whose daughter Piper was diagnosed with CF at age 4, organized Piper’s Angels in 2017 to raise money for the cause.

“The proceeds go not only to finding a cure but for medications, expenses … one of the medications costs $30,000, so these families need help,” Kelly said.

More than 120 support boats, including 20 to 30 medical boats, will provide food and water, and first aid if necessary. Participants will be leashed to their boards, must remain within 30 feet of their boats at all times and are not allowed to draft off the wake of any boat.

“You have 16-18 hours to complete it, and you burn 400-600 calories every hour, so you have to be replacing those calories,” Kelly said. “You can get dehydrated and not realize it, so the crew will say, ‘You have to drink more water,’ or ‘You have to eat this food.’”

The crew’s basic task is “pretty much making sure they keep the paddler alive,” Kelly said. “During the day you’re in the salt water, in the sun, and at night you’re paddling in pitch blackness.”

Kelly has been training for six months on an almost daily basis, with an extended paddle of 20 to 30 miles once or twice a month. She has participated in the past on relays and finishing what others started, but this will be her first time doing the whole paddle solo.

“If it’s a scary, windy day, and you’re saying, ‘There’s no way I’m putting my board in the water,’ then go for it. Go against the wind, get as many miles as you can,” she said.

As difficult as the crossing is physically, it can be even harder emotionally, Kelly said.

“One year a guy had just broken up with his girlfriend and he cried the whole way,” she said. “But some of the toughest is near the end. You can see the shore about 5 miles out, but by late afternoon the wind can be coming offshore and it seems to take forever to get to the beach.
“It’s not like I go out every day and paddle 83 miles, but I have been paddleboarding my entire life. I have been on the water my entire life. I’m a very athletic person, so I feel

I’m ahead of the curve.”

When Kelly is not on the water she is an entrepreneur in the health care business as founder and owner of CKG Management.

Anyone interested in donating to Kelly’s cause can do so at

— Brian Biggane

Q: Where did you grow up and go to school? How do you think that has influenced you?
A: I was born and raised in Boca Raton, but spent almost all of my time in Delray Beach and Dog Beach, surfing and enjoying the ocean. I related to the Delray Beach culture, the surfing community, the arts and the people. The slow, peaceful, local supportive community of Delray set my ideals and morals for life moving forward.
I used to get to class late every morning and quickly change out of my bathing suit in the school bathrooms after I spent my mornings in the ocean. From diving, surfing and fishing, I fell in love with the ocean and the community here. I attended Spanish River High School and Space of Mind in Delray Beach.

Q: What professions have you worked in? What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?
A: I have spent my career working in the mental health and addiction field and am passionate about my work. I work with clients and their families both locally and in other parts of the country.  I am proud to have advanced in this field at a young age and am especially proud to help people who are suffering from mental health issues and addiction. 
Most recently I have been able to venture out on my own and become a fully independent worker. Being able to make my own schedule and have the freedom to work at my own pace with each client has been a big step for me. It was absolutely terrifying making the jump, but I am so grateful that I did.

Q: What advice do you have for a young person seeking a career today?
A: There is so much pressure and emphasis placed on kids today to know what they want to do when they grow up. My advice would be to let your life experiences guide you in your career and in your life. If you follow your heart and listen to your intuition, you’ll be guided into a career that matches your personal characteristics and gifts.

Q: How did you choose to make your home in Ocean Ridge?
A: It is an unspoiled oasis that has not yet been overdeveloped. I am passionate about the environment, our beaches and ocean and love the footprint of original houses populated by multigenerational Floridians who care about the coastline and the habitat.

Q: What is your favorite part about living in Ocean Ridge?
A: The people! There is so much camaraderie of like-minded people who love the ocean, love dogs, and legitimately care about their neighbors. Each individual in this community brings something wonderful to it.

Q: What book are you reading now?
A: My latest read is: The Everglades: River of Grass, by Marjory Stoneman Douglas. I also reread The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which restored my excitement for reading.

Q: What music do you listen to when you want to relax? When you want to be inspired?
A: I like traditional country, folk and bluegrass, as well as roots reggae. 

Q: Have you had mentors in your life? Individuals who have inspired your life decisions?
A: I’ve had many people who have inspired and guided me along the way. My parents are both entrepreneurs and I saw firsthand their hard work yet joy in building a business. 
Another mentor is Ali Kaufman of Space of Mind in Delray. I went there after feeling like I was not succeeding in public school. She recognized me as a unique individual and allowed me to learn in a way that best suited me. 
Lastly, Patrick Heaney, the first person who taught me how to surf, dive and guided me in the ocean. He taught me about the importance and impact we as individuals have on this ecosystem. He taught me to face my fears of sharks and certain marine life that naturally people should be afraid of.

Q: If your life story were made into a movie, who would play you?
A: My whole life I’ve been told that I look like a young Katie Holmes. I’ve never seen it, but everyone is always very adamant that I remind them of her.

Q: Is there something people don’t know about you but should?
A: At age 10 I was the captain of an all-boys hockey team. It’s a good metaphor for me making my own path.
For the most part I’m an open book. If I am being honest, though, everyone always thinks I’m tough and can handle anything and everything. I take on a lot and can handle a lot of different personalities.
Deep down though, I am a highly sensitive and empathetic person, which is why I probably put such a strong wall up.

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By Steve Plunkett

Six weeks after taking over responsibility for the city’s sea turtle rehabilitation efforts, the nonprofit group formerly known as the Friends of Gumbo Limbo has not applied for a permit to run the program.

“No, Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards has not submitted an FWC Marine Turtle Permit application” as of May 30, Carli Segelson of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said when asked about the progress in reopening Gumbo Limbo Nature Center’s popular rehab unit.

Neither John Holloway, president and chief executive of the Stewards, nor his public relations spokeswoman, Melissa Perlman, could be reached immediately for comment.

Segelson said once the state agency receives the application, it will review the document for completeness and satisfaction of all applicable eligibility criteria.

“Additional information may be requested to complete the application package and/or better understand the information submitted,” she said.

Meanwhile, things were looking up for the sea turtles with a Gumbo Limbo Nature Center connection that were taken to the Loggerhead Marinelife Center after Boca Raton’s facility lost its rehabilitation permit in mid-March.

“Everyone’s doing well,” said Dr. Heather Barron, the chief science officer at the turtle hospital in Juno Beach. “We’ve had lots and lots of turtles coming and going.”

Segelson agreed it was a busy month. At least 55 turtles were admitted to FWC-authorized facilities across the state during May, she said. 

Taylor, a juvenile green turtle that had been hit by a boat propeller, was rescued by Gumbo Limbo’s sea turtle conservation team in the Intracoastal Waterway and taken to the Marinelife Center on March 26. Barron performed a fracture repair with screws and wires and then a second surgery to remove necrotic bone and tissue.

Its prognosis wavered from “poor” to “still guarded,” but now the wound is healing.

“Taylor’s doing amazing,” Barron said. “It just takes time.”

Gumbo Limbo’s conservation team, which has a separate permit from the FWC, is busier than usual handling all turtle strandings now that the rehab unit is closed.

“Our 24-hour sea turtle Stranding Hotline is active and we go out on calls once or twice a week,” said David Anderson, Gumbo Limbo’s turtle conservation coordinator. “Our most recent rescue was a pier-hooked turtle in Pompano. It was also taken to LMC.”

Anderson’s team found another juvenile green in the Intracoastal behind Gumbo Limbo, named it Marcel and took it to Juno Beach on April 25. The 10-pound turtle, which had the tumor-producing disease fibropapillomatosis, had a half-pound tumor under its chin and smaller tumors on its body and right eye. Barron removed the tumors the next day and cleared Marcel for release on May 12.

The FWC approved its release soon after. Marcel had gained a pound after his surgery.

Gumbo Limbo’s conservation team also performs Boca Raton’s turtle nesting survey, turtle walks to see mother turtles lay their eggs, and hatchling releases.

The Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards signed an agreement with the city on April 25 letting the nonprofit assume all responsibility, operation and financing of the center’s sea turtle rescue, rehabilitation, research and release efforts. It has not announced any hires for a reconstituted rehab operation.

The city owns the nature center and the surrounding Red Reef Park; tax dollars from the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District cover all salaries, operations and improvements except for the turtle rehab costs that the Coastal Stewards will now pay.

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11196218272?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Homing Inn renovation is underway with ownership likely to make it a Marriott brand. Tao Woolfe/The Coastal Star

By Tao Woolfe

Almost every South Florida city has a hotel that has seen better days, but Boynton Beach’s no-tell-motel — the Homing Inn — was so notorious that the city passed a chronic-nuisance ordinance to stem its worst excesses.

“There were murders, suicides, overdoses and prostitution there,” said City Manager Daniel Dugger, who served on the city’s police force for many years and witnessed firsthand some of the hotel’s dark events.

City Commissioner Thomas Turkin agreed. “It was a terrible, terrible place,” he said.

City officials point to the former owner’s recent sale of the Homing Inn as proof that the ordinance’s fines and restrictions were effective.

The new owners — much to the delight of the City Commission and the Police Department — have already begun transforming the 2.89-acre property at 2821 S. Federal Highway into a boutique hotel.

“You’ll see a tremendous difference in about 30 days,” said new General Manager Dominic Monteleone. “We want everything to be clean, and nice, and new.”

Monteleone said he has already asked tenants who had no identification to move out. Others, especially those on welfare or Social Security, have been put on notice that they must find other accommodations once the renovations begin in earnest.

“Two of the four buildings have been closed and we are gutting the rooms and replacing all the furniture, doors and fixtures,” the general manager said.

“We kept two of the buildings open to allow the people still here to find a new place.”

The motel, which has 104 rooms, was built in 1990 and was sold to a Miami developer in 1998 for about $3 million. It went downhill from there.

“Fifteen to 20 years ago there was a lot of prostitution and drug sales along Federal Highway during the crack epidemic,” Dugger said. “And then came the heroin and fentanyl overdoses.”

The result, Dugger said, was that the Homing Inn was ground zero for blight and crime and unsavory tenants who were “using their hotel for other purposes.”
Monteleone agreed and said that at one point terrorists used the Homing Inn as a base of operations.

According to government records and published reports, 9/11 terrorist hijacker Wail al-Shehri rented a room at the hotel for $260 a week beginning in June before the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

At least two of his associates also stayed at the hotel. Satam Al-Suqami — another of the American Flight 11 hijackers who crashed the plane into the North Tower — listed the hotel’s address on his Florida driver license.

City will try to help

The new owner, Rore Investing, is based in Jacksonville and has more than $300 million in assets, according to the company’s website. It owns and operates several La Quinta hotels in South Florida, including ones in Coral Springs, West Palm Beach, Miami and Plantation.

Rore bought the Homing Inn last August for $8.8 million.

Commissioner Turkin said the new owner seems amenable to working with the city, and the Community Redevelopment Agency is looking into ways it can help facilitate the renovation.

“The hotel has good bones, which is why they’re going to renovate the interior and exterior,” Turkin said. “I think they’re adding a new pool and the rooms will have a few different boutique-style designs. I’m excited to see changes in the perception of that site.”

Dugger said he thinks downtown property owners will be tempted to raze and replace their properties to take advantage of housing incentives included in recently enacted legislation.

The Live Local Act, passed by the Florida Legislature in March and signed by the governor, was designed to spur the creation of more affordable housing. The law, which takes effect July 1, allows developers to add more density and height to buildings than those allowed by local zoning code if at least 40% of the units are workforce housing. Some tax exemptions are also available.

Workforce housing allows working people, such as police officers and firefighters, to purchase homes below market prices. The added height and density allow developers to make more profit.

Dugger said he would not be surprised if Rore decides to build workforce housing as part of its future developments.

Meanwhile, the Homing Inn renovation plan continues apace.

In late May, big red containers behind the dingy, beige buildings were filled with new fixtures and furnishings. Refuse from the gutted rooms in Building A spilled over the top of a graffiti-covered green Dumpster.

The grass and hedges around the buildings were overgrown, and the parking lots were pocked with potholes. Lush greenery — designer palms and flowering trees — added an incongruous element of grace.

Yelp reviews revealed how decrepit the rooms had become.

“When we came in the room, it smelled weird, the restroom reeked so bad,” Issac F. wrote a couple of years ago. “The first few minutes I got super itchy and there were stains in the bedsheets like blood and black mold … the next morning there was a dead wolf spider.”

He gave the room one star.

Dugger said that there were a few hotels and motels along Federal Highway that catered to people’s vices, but the Homing Inn was the worst of them.

The language of the chronic-nuisance ordinance, passed by the city in 2017, does not single out a particular business, but the target, Dugger and Turkin said, was the sprawling campus of the Homing Inn.

“Chronic-nuisance properties require disproportionate police, fire rescue and community standards services,” the ordinance says. It requires the city to identify nuisance activities; hold the property owner or manager responsible; assist the victims of crimes and penalize those who permitted conditions that give rise to excessive police and fire department calls; establish rules, procedures and penalties; and impose penalties such as fines.

The ordinance outlines chronic criminal activities that paint a picture of what went on at the Homing Inn. They include: dealing in stolen property; cruelty to animals; disorderly intoxication; loitering or prowling in proximity to children; criminal gang activity; drug sales; domestic violence; and prostitution.

It’s not clear how far the city went to enforce the ordinance.

But Monteleone said of the previous owner: “You can get away with not putting any money into a property for a little while, but he put no money back into the property for 20 years.” The new hotel will charge $250 to $300 a night, Monteleone said, and will probably be under the Marriott umbrella.

“We are completely renovating the lobby and will offer free breakfast,” he said. “And we will be creating about 30 jobs, offering food services and a new pool.

“We’re here to do good.”

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By Rich Pollack

For much of the Boca Raton Airport’s almost 75-year history, its 214 acres in the heart of the city have been owned by the state.

That will soon change if Gov. Ron DeSantis signs off on legislation that would transfer ownership of the property to the Boca Raton Airport Authority and put it on a par with just about every other airport in Florida.

Under legislation introduced by state Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman that passed both houses of the Legislature unanimously, the airport authority will no longer need to lease the property from the state.

That, say airport authority leaders, could remove a lot of red tape and make it easier for the board to clear administrative hurdles that would require a sign-off from the property owner.

“The state realized it didn’t need to be involved,” said Gossett-Seidman, R-Highland Beach. “It doesn’t want to interfere.”

Until the governor signs the legislation, the airport authority will be handcuffed by a lease with the state that doesn’t end for another 20 years. As it stands now, any action that requires the approval of the property owner must make its way through Tallahassee, which has the potential to gum up the process.

Under the passed legislation, paperwork can be signed off locally.

“With less involvement by the state, the airport authority can conduct business in a more efficient manner,” Gossett-Seidman said.

Only one other airport in Florida is tethered to the state by a lease.

“This legislation will put the airport on equal footing with every other airport in Florida,” said Clara Bennett, executive director of the Boca Raton Airport Authority.

In addition to transferring ownership, the legislation gives the airport authority the opportunity to operate outside of the boundaries of the airport property — but within limits.

The authority now has the green light to continue installing noise monitoring equipment outside of the actual airport boundaries and can continue using buildings it occupies adjacent to the airport.

With the new legislation, the authority can work more closely with neighboring Florida Atlantic University and with the FAU Research and Development Authority on innovative projects.

At the same time, the legislation prevents the airport authority from expanding aviation activity — essentially that involving planes — outside the airport boundaries.

“It was important to modify the initial bill to meet current needs,” Bennett said.

First opened in 1936, the airport was transformed into the Boca Raton Army Airfield during World War II and was where flight crews learned to master a then-new technology, radar.

After the war, the property was transferred to the city of Boca Raton with a requirement that it be used as an airport. Control of the land was transferred to the state in the 1950s.

Over the years, five different government agencies had oversight, with the Boca Raton Airport Authority created by the state Legislature in 1982. The authority’s board of directors is made up of five members appointed by the city and two members appointed by the Palm Beach County Commission.

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11195069489?profile=RESIZE_710xOcean to Intracoastal properties like this one at 1020 S. Ocean Blvd. — which sold for $89.9 million in December 2021 — have boosted the average value of homes in Manalapan to almost $40 million, according to data from November 2022. Photo provided

By Christine Davis

Based on estimated home price averages, there’s no more expensive neighborhood in the United States than Manalapan, according to a CashNetUSA study. It used real estate data from Zillow to come up with averages for neighborhoods across the country.

In Manalapan, that average came out to $39.8 million, which was about $12.2 million higher than runner-up Palm Island, sitting next to the Port of Miami, with a $27.6 million average value.

In fact, four of the Top 10 priciest neighborhoods were in Florida, though none was named Palm Beach. Port Royal in Naples came in fifth at $22 million and Golden Beach in Miami-Dade County finished sixth, with an average home value of $18.7 million.

Manalapan Mayor Stewart Satter said he was “delighted but not surprised” by his town’s distinction.

“Manalapan is a very special and small inclusive community of magnificent properties, abundant natural beauty and an enviable location that attracts highly successful individuals, driving our real estate prices higher,” Satter said.

Toney neighborhoods in other states couldn’t come close to Manalapan. Beverly Hills Gateway, California’s priciest, averaged $22.8 million per house, while Southampton Village led New York with a $16.7 million average value. Old Greenwich was tops in Connecticut with only a $4.1 million average home value.

The results, announced in April, were from data collected in November. CashNetUSA is an online lender.


Actor and comedian Kevin Knipfing — better known as Kevin James — sold a Delray Beach oceanfront mansion at 344 N. Ocean Blvd. through his family trust for $12.675 million.

When he purchased the property in January 2021 for $14 million, it had been renovated and reimagined by Randall Stofft Architects with Stofft Ikasu interior design.

As of the May sale, the property was not listed in public records as homesteaded.

Amenities included a walk-in pool, a loggia with a summer kitchen and fireplace, entertainment lounge, wine cellar, covered terraces, a primary suite comprising the third floor and a five-car garage.

The new owner is 344 North Ocean LLC, managed by Kishore Mirchandani, a board member and CFO of Rainshine Global, a global entertainment company.

Premier Estate Properties’ Pascal Liguori Estate Group represented both buyer and seller.


The new 143-room Delray Beach Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton, at 200 NE Fifth Ave., opened with amenities that include a swimming pool, meeting rooms, breakfast hall and underground parking with 110 spaces. And, while it’s nice to have a development project completed, the Hampton’s April opening also reflected a bittersweet ending for developer Harold “Sonny” Van Arnem, of Van Arnem Properties

“This is a dream come true for my family and our Van Arnem Properties, Inc. team who worked on this with my boys, Adam and Max,” said Van Arnem, who lives in Ocean Ridge. 

“They grew up in Delray Beach and we worked hard to build out all our Delray design developments,” he said.

Sonny and his son Max collaborated with Delray Beach developer and family friend Steve Kornfeld to create the Adam Hotel, which was a memorial to Adam, who died in 2014 at the age of 26, predeceasing Max, who died in 2021 at the age of 30.

The Adam Hotel is now the newly completed Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton. 

Peachtree Hospitality Management and Peachtree Hotel Group, LLC were developers and investors in the new project.

Van Arnem Properties Inc. is a real estate group that specializes in the acquisition, sales and development of commercial and residential property. During the past two decades, Sonny Van Arnem first developed real estate projects in southwest Florida and then, in Boca Raton and Delray Beach.

Max, a real estate agent, began working in his father’s company in 2012. Max’s last project was Deco Delray Townhomes on Northeast Fifth Avenue. Max also planned and designed the Maxwell, at 306 NE Second St., diagonally across from the new Hampton Inn.

The Maxwell is a mixed-use condominium building with 23 residential apartments, a rooftop pool, fitness center, meeting rooms, and three retail suites.

Adam also worked with his father.

“I am so proud of my sons,” Van Arnem said. “Their creative force was undeniable and leaves a lasting impression on the city they grew up in and loved. Interestingly enough, a building we owned is where the new hotel’s pool and lobby are now, and all the boys lived there. It was like a clubhouse. Some people are big-time developers; here, we have roots in the ground.”


A Barnes & Noble bookstore will open this November at 1821 S. Federal Highway in Delray Beach in a 10,000-square-foot space at the Delray Place North strip mall, said Janine Flanigan, Barnes & Noble’s director of store planning and design.

“We signed the lease mid-May,” she said. “Business is very strong. We plan on opening 30 to 50 stores this year, so we have a robust opening schedule. We haven’t opened this many stores in a year’s time frame in over 10 years.”

That uptick reflects a number of factors, she said.

“During the pandemic, we saw a renewed interest in reading, and also, Barnes & Noble was bought by Elliott Advisors in 2019,” she said.

“Our CEO, James Daunt, has made significant changes in the way we do business that has really resonated.”

For example, the way book sellers used to display books was corporate driven. “Now the book sellers can put in front of their customers books that are important to their communities, so at different stores, you’ll see different displays. Last year, Barnes & Noble opened 16 stores,” she said. “So far this year, we’ve opened six new stores.”

Also at this mall, Nordstrom Rack opened mid-May in a 25,000-square-foot space at 1801 S. Federal Highway.


11195302097?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Executive Women of the Palm Beaches Foundation, Inc. recently celebrated its 2023 Women in Leadership Award winners. Its Volunteer Awards went to Sophia Eccleston and Charlotte Pelton. Eccleston serves as director of origination with NextEra Energy and is board president of the Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County. Pelton is president and CEO of Charlotte Pelton and Associates Inc., and is chair of Community Partners of South Florida.

The Private Award went to Barbara Cheives, president and CEO of Converge and Associates Consulting. The Non-Profit Award went to Roberta “Robi” Jurney, CEO of the Quantum House. The Public Sector Award winner was Barbara McQuinn, board member of the School District of Palm Beach County District 1. The Emerging Leader award went to Megan Richards Bob, education and family literacy director of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County.

The Executive Women also spotlighted the 2023 Lois Kwasman Community Impact Grant recipient, Holy Ground, an organization that assists young single women facing homelessness. 


The Boca Chamber honored Paul Adkins, chairman & CEO of Florida Peninsula Insurance, as its business leader of the year during the annual Business Awards Luncheon in May at Boca West Country Club. The Business of the Year award recipient was Palm Beach State College. Small Business Leaders of the Year awards went to Bonnie Kaye and Jon Kaye of Kaye Communications PR & Marketing.

“Leaders in their industries, these recipients have created jobs, contributed to our overall economic growth, and have set the bar high for those to follow,” said Troy McLellan, the chamber’s president & CEO.


Florida Atlantic University’s public affairs graduate program, in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters School of Public Administration, ranked No. 72 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Graduate Schools” for 2023-24. 


Delray Beach resident Ryan Wendler has joined Boca Raton-based Flagler Technologies as customer success manager. He will lead client relations for the company’s clients across the United States.

“I fell in love with the customer success element within the sales structure,” Wendler said. “From startups to corporations, my biggest challenge and point of pride has been successfully navigating a customer success team through the pandemic to enable our company and partners to thrive.

“I truly believe that communication and meaningful business relationships are tantamount to the success of any company, and I am very much looking forward to bringing this knowledge and team-based ethos to Flagler Technologies.”


Boca Raton-based Basis Industrial has appointed Max Ducharme as a managing partner of its new initiative, Basis Alternative Investments, which focuses on investment strategies.

These opportunities include car wash development, distressed and value-add retail, and multi-family development projects. Previously, Ducharme was senior vice president of Investment & Develop-ment for the Falcone Group. 


The city of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach State College, and CareerSource Palm Beach County created a partnership that aims to develop a pool of talent for local employers by providing college credit certificate programs for city of Boynton Beach residents.

Called the Workforce Readiness Initiative, it will help people who are unemployed, underemployed, or looking for a career change to gain skills that meet the city’s specific employment needs.  

“I have spoken to so many residents who want to get hired in the businesses that are here in the city, and the disconnect is that the companies — for example, Publix — are looking for certain expertise,” Boynton Beach Mayor Ty Penserga said. “It’s time for us to fill that education and skills gap and align what our employers need with the kind of educational opportunities we provide for our residents.”

Initially, Boynton Beach residents will be offered two Palm Beach State College credit certificate programs —  the 12-credit business specialist program and the 18-credit logistics and transportation specialist program, which will be available for enrollment this summer. CareerSource Palm Beach County will offer tuition support for eligible participants. 

Larry Barszewski contributed to this column.

Send business news to Christine Davis,

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Father's Day: Proud Papas

With Father’s Day on June 18, we asked a handful of thoughtful dads to tell us what parenthood has taught them — in 150 words or fewer. Boy, did they deliver! Here are their words of wisdom.

Compiled by Mary Thurwachter

11173001301?profile=RESIZE_710x‘Being a dad has taught me my meaning of life,’ says Lantana real estate agent Shaun Miller, the father of five boys. Four of them joined Miller at Lantana Beach: (l-r) Lennon, 19, Koah, 3, Morrison, 24, and Macleod, 18. INSET BELOW: Shaun Miller with youngest son, 10-month-old Fynn. Photo provided

Shaun Miller, 49, runs a real estate company, James D. Miller Properties, with his father and brother. Lives in Lantana.11173853098?profile=RESIZE_180x180

There’s this Bible verse,

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.

It’s one of my favorites because it stirs feelings of strength, humility, joy and honor all at the same time. My five boys. My legacy. My prize. My defenders. My joy.

Being a dad has taught me my meaning of life. The preciousness of an embrace. The adventure of a backyard. The absolute agony of a skinned knee. The intricacies of a Lego build. The importance of manners. The gift of sacrifice. I have learned that my love for my boys represents God’s love for all of us, a fatherly love that is deeper and wider and vaster than I can imagine.

* * *

11173203078?profile=RESIZE_400xDr. Jacob D. Steiger of Highland Beach earned his pilot’s license and celebrated with his sons Ben, 5, and Sam, 2. ‘Embracing their uniqueness has taught me the beauty of diversity, the power of self-expression and the joy of witnessing their authentic selves flourish,’ he says.

Dr. Jacob D. Steiger, 45, owner and surgeon at Steiger Facial Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton. Lives in Highland Beach.11173853075?profile=RESIZE_400x

I’ve learned the importance of allowing my kids to be their own unique individuals. I've come to understand that their journey is distinct from mine, and it’s crucial to foster their individuality and let their personalities shine.

My role is not to mold them into mini versions of myself or to impose my own dreams upon them, but rather to support and encourage their passions and aspirations. I've discovered that by providing them with a nurturing and accepting environment, I enable them to explore their interests, make their own choices and grow into the people they are meant to be.

Embracing their uniqueness has taught me the beauty of diversity, the power of self-expression and the joy of witnessing their authentic selves flourish. Through this, I've come to realize that being a dad means celebrating and embracing the individuality of my children and allowing them to carve their own path in life.”


11173353684?profile=RESIZE_710xHal Stern, at far left with wife Marjorie, has three children and four grandkids. From left are daughter Rebecca, 35, holding Poppy, 12 weeks; her husband, Brant, holding son Mac, 3; Brant’s mother, Mona Fischer; son-in-law Lee holding Jack, 3, with daughter Rachel, 41, and eldest grandchild Madeline, 4½; son Aaron, 44, and his significant other, Sasha. The dog is Bean.

Hal Stern, 72, retired lawyer, lives in Delray Beach.

What I’ve learned from being a father is that each child is different and that means that I had to modify my behavior and expectations if I was going to have a meaningful relationship with each of them.

This seems simple and obvious, but I have also learned that simple isn’t necessarily easy. In fact, simple is hard.

I have also learned that as a father of adults, I am here to offer my assistance but not advice. That also sounds simple, but it can be, at times, very hard.


11173517655?profile=RESIZE_710xDavid Ogman of Boca Raton seeks a cure for the genetic brain disease that afflicts his 7-year-old son, Jordan (shown as a toddler).

David Ogman, 46, senior vice president at Citi Private Bank in Palm Beach. Lives in Boca Raton.

What being a father has taught me is that things will never go as planned, and no one can train you to be ready for what’s coming.

My now 7-year-old son, Jordan, is dying of a rare, fatal, Jewish genetic brain disease. When the neurologist diagnosed Jordan, she told us that “there is no treatment, there is no hope, and there is no cure!”

Today, I’m developing Jordan’s cure in partnership with several university scientists who are collaborating with me to save Jordan. Info:


11173697853?profile=RESIZE_710xChris Sandleitner with his sons, Grady, 7, and Dane, 6.

Chris Sandleitner, 49, finance executive. Lives in Delray Beach.

Being a father has taught me that the most important thing is to be present. Trying to set a good example makes me focus on what’s important, and for me that is my family.

Fatherhood is a ton of work but worth every second (and is a lot of fun — I get to be a kid again). It brings out the best in me, and that happy responsibility is something I get to pass along to my boys. I am looking forward to what comes as they grow and mature. I hope I can continue to set a good example and become a better person along the way in this amazing journey.

Oh, and I have learned how to manage huge amounts of laundry!


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11172830072?profile=RESIZE_710xDonations of $1 million each from three couples — (l-r) Hilary and Matthew Rosenthal, Debra and Michael Coslov, and Toni and Martin Sosnoff — have helped the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation meet its fundraising goal for the hospital’s expansion and renovation. Photos provided

By Amy Woods

Keeping the Promise — the Campaign for Boca Raton Regional Hospital has reached its goal of $250 million thanks in part to a trio of $1 million donations in recent weeks.

The donors are Matthew and Hilary Rosenthal, Michael and Debra Coslov, and Martin and Toni Sosnoff.

The largest fundraising initiative in the hospital foundation’s history is supporting Boca Regional’s most ambitious period of growth and expansion.

Although the campaign has hit its goal, the foundation continues to seek pledges from the community to meet the needs of a growing patient population.

• The Rosenthals’ donation will help create the new Matthew and Hilary Rosenthal Epilepsy Unit at the Marcus Neuroscience Institute. Hilary Rosenthal was diagnosed with epilepsy as a teenager.

“Boca Raton Regional Hospital is incredibly grateful for the remarkable support from the Rosenthals,” CEO Lincoln Mendez said. “As now full-time, year-round residents of Boca Raton, Matthew and Hilary are stellar examples of the committed and generous community members we are so fortunate to be surrounded by in our community.”

Hilary Rosenthal’s great- great-uncle Arthur Vining Davis gifted both the land and the money needed to build Baptist Hospital of Miami. When Davis made the gift, he requested that a pineapple fountain greet guests at the front door — a meaningful symbol that remains an important part of Baptist Health and Boca Raton Regional Hospital.

• The Coslovs’ gift will be acknowledged with the couple’s name on the third-floor reception area in the Cooperman Medical Arts Pavilion.

“We are enormously grateful to Michael and Debra for this spectacular gesture of generosity,” Mendez said. “They have become family, and we are always moved by that sort of commitment, participation and embrace of our approach and vision.”

• The Sosnoffs’ $1 million pledge will support the Integrated Behavioral Health Program at the Marcus Neuroscience Institute.

“All of the extraordinary gifts have a significant impact on the future of health care here in Boca Raton and the surrounding area, and this one is certainly no different,” Mendez said.

“The Sosnoffs are interested in supporting our behavioral health services, a growing need and demand in our market and nationally.”
For more information, call 561-955-4142 or visit

Junior League initiative shines light on poverty

The Junior League of Boca Raton successfully completed its fourth annual Little Black Dress Initiative.

The campaign, which raises funds to help underserved women and children, involves Junior League members wearing the same black dress or outfit for five consecutive days to illustrate one of the restrictions of poverty.

“By wearing the same black dress or outfit, members experienced the somber situation and struggles that many members of our community face on a daily basis,” the Junior League said in a news release. “Choosing to wear only one black dress or outfit for five consecutive days allowed participants to reflect on the impact of poverty and the lack of choice people who live in poverty experience on a daily basis.”

For more information, call 561-620-2553 or visit

11172850075?profile=RESIZE_584xAmong the helpers who packed pantry bags with food in the Boca Raton Airport Authority initiative were Craig Nyarumbu (kneeling) with (l-r) Chester Brown, John Gerety, Linda Hernandez, Ron Andring, Joe Sylvester, Brad Stafford, Jenny Mazzurco and Jonathan Euvin. Photo provided


Food collected for local families in need

The Boca Raton Airport Authority celebrated National Volunteer Month in April by organizing its third annual food drive to support Boca Helping Hands.

The 15-day event resulted in the collection of about 820 pounds of food for local families in need. The food drive culminated with a meal-packing effort where more than 150 pantry bags were filled and distributed to clients the following day.

“It is always a great honor to volunteer with Boca Helping Hands,” Boca Raton Airport Authority Executive Director Clara Bennett said. “They are a staple for our community, helping more than 27,000 people annually.”

For more information, call 561-417-0913 or visit

Send news and notes to Amy Woods at

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11172717461?profile=RESIZE_584x11172717482?profile=RESIZE_400xThe school’s signature event was at capacity with more than 700 friends of the university in attendance. It raised $715,000 to support scholarships for students in the health field. ‘Florida Atlantic was founded on philanthropy, and it’s a tradition that has carried us into modern times with great success,’ interim President Stacy Volnick said. ‘Thank you to our President’s Gala sponsors, attendees and volunteers for being part of this amazing legacy.’

ABOVE: (l-r) Volnick, board of trustees Chairman Brad Levine, philanthropist Eleanor Baldwin and basketball coach Dusty May.

INSET: (l-r) Francesca Daniels, Michael Horswell and Myrna Skurnick. Photos provided

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11172674458?profile=RESIZE_710xThe audience sprang to its feet in applause after a middle schooler described how she helps care for her little sister, who has cerebral palsy. ‘Eva needs extra help showering, and I put her to bed,’ 13-year-old Ali Enlow said at the American Association of Caregiving Youth’s annual event. ‘I love caregiving so much … and I love sharing my story.’ This is Ali’s second year with the Boca Raton-based nonprofit, which serves more than 500 youths who care for family members at home. She and other honorees were presented with trophies and received standing ovations.

ABOVE: (l-r, front) Rosie Inguanzo-Martin, Marta Batmasian, Penny Westbury, Althea Ceasor, (back) Joe Martin, Ron Wichowski, Jeffrey Gordon and event emcee Matt Lincoln. Photo provided by Michael Connor Photography

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11172622452?profile=RESIZE_584xNearly 100 players and altruistic supporters came out for a shotgun start to celebrate philanthropic sportsmanship at American Humane’s third annual golf event. The sold-out tournament included breakfast, lunch and an awards ceremony. All proceeds benefit the Pups4Patriots program, which pairs highly trained service dogs with veterans in need.

ABOVE: (l-r) Jim Segredo, Leigh-Anne Kazma, Michelle Kelman and Garry Kraemer. Photo provided by Capehart

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11172530264?profile=RESIZE_584xAmerican Humane paid tribute to philanthropist Lois Pope during an event for animal lovers and their supporters. Everyone enjoyed lavish hors d’oeuvres, creative desserts and live music. ‘Tonight is a celebration of Lois’ incredible work, and it’s an honor to celebrate her love for animals and beneficent legacy with American Humane these past 13 years,’ President and CEO Robin Ganzert said. ‘She is an inspiration to us all.’

ABOVE: Pope and Ganzert. Photo provided by Capehart

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11172406665?profile=RESIZE_710x11172409066?profile=RESIZE_400xThe National Society of Arts and Letters’ Florida chapter honored Arlene Herson with the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts. The evening included performances by several scholarship recipients and competition winners and featured an inspiring presentation by Honorary Chairwoman Andrea Virgin. ‘Through this event, we spotlight the local emerging artists who benefit from our fundraising efforts and the community’s generous support,’ NSAL President N’Quavah Velazquez said.

TOP: (l-r) Michael and Kathy Costin, Patsy Copeland, Ray Gerson and Gerry Ehrlich.

MIDDLE: (l-r) Megan Savage, Victoria Bramble, event Chairman Dr. Ron Rubin, Gioia Gedicks and Daniel Guevara.

BOTTOM: Event Chairwoman Kirsten Stephenson and Herson. Photos provided by Amy Pasquantonio11172409083?profile=RESIZE_400x

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11172355256?profile=RESIZE_710xMore than 450 Impact 100 Palm Beach County members gathered to award eight local nonprofits $100,000 transformational grants. Three additional nonprofits received a total of $4,000 in merit grants. The luncheon culminated a record-breaking 12th year for the organization, which saw 804 women join its ranks. ‘When women unite, anything is possible,’ President Kelly Fleming said. ‘Impact 100 has proven just how powerful women can be when they collectively pool together funds.’

ABOVE: (l-r, front row) Karen Granger, Buddy Walck, Fleming, Abby Mosher, Micaiah 'MJ' Joseph, Ray 'Quasi' Nelson, (backrow) Kimberly Boldt, Judy Fenney, Sherry Henry, John Holloway, Wilford Romelus, Patrick Livingston, Vivian Dimanche and Jeannine Morris. Photo provided by Warner-Prokos Photography

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11063073084?profile=RESIZE_710xPeople line the shore of Delray Beach in April. Tourism officials say visitors this season rose from 2022 numbers but businesses say summer looks like a return to the typical pre-pandemic lull. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star

By Mary Hladky

Palm Beach County tourism has completely rebounded from the pandemic-induced devastation of 2020, and all signs are pointing to a strong 2023 as well.

While Discover the Palm Beaches, the county’s main tourism marketing agency, did not have complete tourism data for the first three months of this year as of the end of April, its preliminary numbers show a clear increase from last year.

“So far our calendar year-to-date totals indicate the visitation is up in 2023 over 2022, with total lodging occupancy up 3.6%, and that includes new hotel inventory added in the past year,” Gustav Weibull, Discover’s associate vice president of research, strategy and destination development, said in an April 24 statement.

Total lodging room nights sold increased 11% in January through April 24, compared to the same period last year, “indicating an increase in visitation to the Palm Beaches,” he said.

Palm Beach County hoteliers, restaurateurs and others contacted by The Coastal Star concur that the year is off to a very good start.

The county saw meteoric increases in 2021 and 2022 as the tourism industry recovered.

Now though, those contacted noted a slight decrease in business to a level that was more typical in the years before the pandemic. And while that bears watching, they are fine with the more normal tourism patterns.

Roger Amidon, general manager of the Palm Beach Marriott Resort Singer Island Beach Resort and Spa and vice chair of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, said he anticipated a record-setting year once 2023 is done.

Even so, he has seen a leveling off of demand now that travelers have more options. As the rest of the world reopened to tourists when the pandemic eased, people have resumed travel to Europe and the Caribbean, he said. And cruise lines are offering deals to get people back on their ships.

Visitors to his resort are down about 10%. “We are keeping an eye on that,” he said. “We did adjust our rates to increase our occupancy.”

But he sees no cause for concern. “People want to get out and explore, particularly after COVID,” Amidon said.

Stephanie Immelman, CEO of the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce, has a similar view. “Delray Beach is experiencing a great season this year,” she said. “We definitely know the hotels were packed this season.”

Yet tourism is “falling back to our pre-COVID patterns” of very high occupancy rates in season and a fall-off during the summer months. The chamber “definitely will be promoting” the city as a destination during the summer months, she said.

Like Amidon, Immelman says people are no longer constrained in where they can travel and cruise lines have returned to normal operations.

Cathy Balestriere, general manager of Crane’s Beach House in Delray Beach, hailed the “great and critical rebound” in 2021 and 2022.

Now, “we are noticing that the more predicable seasonal patterns seem to be returning,” she said in an email. “It feels a lot more like the ‘shoulder season’ we used to see” and a return to “normal booking patterns.”

Her guests continue to come from other parts of Florida, the region and from neighboring states. Canadian and European guests have returned, replacing some of the domestic travelers who have opted for travel abroad.

Business and corporate customers at long last are back, “which really broadens our opportunity to market and sell to clients and audiences that haven’t been available to or interested in us for a while,” she said.

Corporate groups also have returned to The Boca Raton. With that and an increased number of rooms, the resort’s bookings have doubled since last year, said President and CEO Daniel Hostettler.

The reopening of the 27-story Tower hotel added 224 rooms and suites.

The Tower’s makeover was part of a $200 million renovation completed last year that touched every part of the 200-acre property.

Since the resort showcased the changes early last year, even more have been made. They now include Flybridge, a fine dining concept atop the Yacht Club with waterfront views and more than 20 retail shops featuring fashion, home decor, books, jewelry and art.

Luke Therien, owner of the Banana Boat and Prime Catch restaurants in Boynton Beach, said in an email that tourism and his business were “definitely stronger” in the first three months this year compared to the same time last year.

He credits outdoor seating that overlooks the Intracoastal Waterway, which draws customers who remain leery of being enclosed in a crowded indoor restaurant.

He said he also is benefiting from the growing South Florida population, boosted by baby boomers from other parts of the country retiring or semi-retiring in Palm Beach County as well as the influx of people moving from other countries.

Although Discover the Palm Beaches is still crunching recent data, its 2022 report released in February shows a record-breaking number of visitors.

Visitors totaled 9.1 million, up 31% from 2021, and they spent $6.7 billion, up 34%.

The increase was strongest among domestic travelers, while visitation from Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia continued to grow.

“While economic anxiety and affordability are now top of mind, we know travel sentiment remains strong, and this augurs well for the tourism industry in the Palm Beaches this coming year,” Peter Yesawich, vice chair of Discover’s board of directors, stated in a release.


11063088276?profile=RESIZE_710xBeachgoers line the shore at South Beach Park. Tourism officials say visitors this season rose from 2022 numbers but businesses say summer looks like a return to the typical pre-pandemic lull. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star


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11063068271?profile=RESIZE_710xMost shareholders did not want to sell Briny Breezes, shown here on RuthMary Avenue with the ocean clubhouse in the distance. Photos by Jerry Lower/The Coastal Star

Related: Briny Breezes: Divided council endorses plan to allow elevated homes

By Joe Capozzi

“Thanks, but no thanks,” summed up the reaction of residents in Briny Breezes to the latest offer by a developer to purchase their seaside mobile home community. 

“This place is irreplaceable,’’ resident Mary Wilson said April 19 at a shareholders meeting called to discuss the unsolicited offer. “I don’t think Briny should be for sale ever.’’

After Wilson and 30 or so others spoke at the meeting, attended by more than 100 shareholders at the Briny Breezes Community Center and another 75 people on Zoom, the

Briny Breezes corporate board unanimously rejected the $502.5 million offer to purchase the 43-acre town, as first reported by The Coastal Star

The developer was not identified at the 75-minute board meeting, but sources told The Coastal Star the offer came from the Kolter Group, a developer based in Delray Beach.

Messages to a company official were not returned.  

11063069274?profile=RESIZE_710xMore than 100 Briny Breezes shareholders attended in person — and another 75 joined via Zoom — as the corporate board on April 19 discussed and rejected an unsolicited offer to buy the entire community.

Michael Gallacher, general manager of Briny Breezes Inc., said the developer did not tell corporation board members what it planned to do with the town if the board approved the purchase.

Board members said the latest offer — for $502,496,000 — was “unattractive” because it was too low and had too many unfavorable tax consequences but, perhaps most important, a majority of shareholders were not interested in selling their patch of paradise. 

The last serious bid to purchase Briny, in 2007, came from a Boca Raton developer who offered $510 million before backing out of the deal. Since then, land values have increased to at least $1 billion, Briny corporate officials said. 

“I think the public needs to realize that this offer is ridiculous and the more that gets out into the public, maybe we’ll get a billion-dollar offer,’’ said board member Cindy Holbrook. 

Many speakers expressed disappointment that the board was even considering the offer, pointing out that a majority of shareholders in February said they had no interest in selling the town. 

Board members acknowledged that point, but said the board nonetheless had an obligation to bring the offer to the shareholders.

“I don’t believe any of us thinks this deal is a good deal for any of us,’’ board member Holly Reitnauer said. “But we are just telling you guys to let you know that we got this offer, and that’s all there is to it. Period. Case closed. It does not mean we are selling Briny.’’

Briny Breezes is owned by a corporation whose stockholders are the only property owners.

Although a corporate board manages the mobile home park, the town of Briny Breezes is governed by a Town Council that provides basic municipal services in conjunction with the corporation.

Town property owners hold corporate shares. Shares are determined by the size of the property owned. Any sale of the park would have to be approved by the corporation owners representing 67% of the town’s 488 units.

The risks of paradise

Briny Breezes, one of the last seaside mobile home communities in Florida, faces climate-change challenges because it’s located between the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. 

The town, which already experiences chronic flooding on the Intracoastal side during storms, is planning for millions of dollars in resiliency improvements to protect it from future sea-level rise. 

But some residents wonder whether that will be enough and if the town’s days are numbered even if its sea walls, roads and homes are raised. 

A letter from corporate officials to shareholders on April 11 said an Ocean Ridge man representing a large developer recently expressed interest in buying the town’s marina. 

While some shareholders said it may make sense to put Briny Breezes on the market to see what kind of offers might come in, many others said there is no price tag for their special town.

“The big question of the day really is, what is your cost for paradise?’’ asked resident Chuck Swift. “Without question Briny Breezes is unduplicable. There is only one on the entire planet that has everything: the beach, a clubhouse, a marina, a lifestyle that millionaires — our neighbors — are paying multi-, multi-, multimillions for their residences. We’ve got it right here in Briny.’’ 

Publisher Jerry Lower contributed to this story. Lower and Editor Mary Kate Leming are shareholders in Briny Breezes.

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11063066672?profile=RESIZE_710xThe reclaimed water was meant exclusively for lawn watering and when the system was shut down in 2020 due to health concerns, city employees like Curtis Duscan (center) and city contractors Clay Carroll (left) and Anthony Coates watered lawns on the barrier island by hand. File photo/The Coastal Star

Whistleblower, attorneys get $818,500; OSHA says city ‘harassed’ her

By Jane Smith and Jane Musgrave

Delray Beach has agreed to pay $818,500 to settle former city utilities worker Christine Ferrigan’s federal whistleblower lawsuit, which claimed she was fired for reporting that the city’s reclaimed water system was making people and pets sick.

Two days after city commissioners approved the settlement at their April 18 meeting, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration determined the city illegally harassed and terminated Ferrigan for reporting the pollution concerns, though it didn’t mention her by name.

“The City of Delray Beach’s actions toward this worker and its response to concerns about the municipal drinking water supply are deeply troubling,” Lily Colon, OSHA assistant regional administrator in Atlanta, said in a prepared statement. “Our investigation showed that the city harassed and ultimately fired an employee sworn to protect the public for doing their job. No worker should fear being punished by their employer for reporting legitimate safety and health concerns, and OSHA will work vigorously to defend courageous people like this inspector.”

Ferrigan received $400,000 for back pay and damages, according to one of her attorneys, Ezra Bronstein. The law firms she used received $418,500 to cover their expenses, including legal fees, he said. Each side had retained two law firms in the case.

The out-of-pocket cost of the settlement to the city is $268,500, with the remainder of the settlement and the city’s attorney fees and costs to be covered by city’s self-insurance policy, according to a confidential memo from City Attorney Lynn Gelin to commissioners in advance of their April 18 meeting. The Coastal Star obtained the memo April 28 after filing a public records request.

It’s just the latest cost to the city over its reclaimed water problems that started surfacing in 2018.

Delray Beach paid a $1 million fine to the state in December 2021 after a lengthy investigation by Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County officials confirmed that partially treated reclaimed water had been allowed to mix with drinking water supplies.

In addition, the city paid $21,000 for the state agency’s investigation and spent more than $1 million on inspections and adding missing backflow preventers to stop the reclaimed water from mixing with drinking water. The city remains under a five-year consent order with the state, requiring it to properly monitor the system.

This is the second settlement Ferrigan has received from a south Palm Beach County city after filing a whistleblower complaint. In 2014, she received $322,500 and her attorneys were paid $215,000 to settle a lawsuit she filed against Boca Raton.

She claimed she was improperly fired from Boca Raton’s utility department in 2008. The money was paid by the city’s insurer and city officials did not admit any wrongdoing.

Settlement avoids trial

The Delray Beach whistleblower settlement, first reached April 5 in U.S. District Court in West Palm Beach, came a day after attorneys for Ferrigan and the city spent a day on a Zoom call, hashing out their differences.

The city attorney’s staff, insurance adjuster and outside counsel recommended the settlement because of the risk associated with jury trials and the sizable amount of damages sought by Ferrigan, according to Gelin’s memo.

Had the parties failed to reach an accord, a federal jury would have decided whether the 65-year-old Ferrigan deserved what could have been millions in damages for being fired in January 2022 after reporting her concerns to state health officials.

City Manager Terrence Moore and Utilities Director Hassan Hadjimiry, who also were named in the lawsuit, signed off on the agreement. Neither they nor the city admitted any wrongdoing.

On April 5, the city manager praised Ferrigan in a prepared statement.

“The parties have reached a mutually acceptable resolution of the dispute regarding Ms. Ferrigan’s respective separation from the city,” said Moore. “The city thanks Ms. Ferrigan and recognizes her contributions to the City’s Utilities Department.” 

When asked why Ferrigan’s legal team did not force the city or the two leaders named in the lawsuit to admit wrongdoing, Bronstein said, “Ferrigan’s allegations were corroborated by [state health investigators] and the consent order damaged the city’s reputation. We got what we needed.”

What the depositions said

Each city commissioner should read the January deposition of Rafael Reyes, environmental health director at the Health Department, Bronstein told The Coastal Star. Delray Beach was grossly negligent and even cavalier in its early response to its reclaimed water woes, Reyes said in his deposition, while also praising Ferrigan.

“She provided sufficient data for developing the violations … of the July 1, 2020, warning letter and then the DOH corroborated through its own research and investigations,” he said.

Every time Health Department investigators requested records from Delray Beach, city officials “indicated that they did not have those records available,” Reyes said during his deposition.

Delray Beach tried to paint Ferrigan as a “rogue employee” during depositions of key city staffers. Ferrigan, however, said, “Everything I did for reclaimed water, I received prior approval from my managers,” including updating the opt-out form where residents could request not to be hooked into the reclaimed water system.

The city attorney called the Utilities Department “mismanaged” during her December deposition. The way the reclaimed water program was administered was “sloppy,” Gelin said.

“Nobody kept records of anything,” Gelin said of the reason the city could not sue Lanzo Construction, the contractor hired for the last phase of the reclaimed water program on the barrier island.

Either the city or Lanzo failed to install all the backflow preventers required to stop the treated wastewater from mixing with the drinking water, Gelin said in her deposition. “It became a he-said-she-said (thing) with the change orders,” she said of the situation between 2017 and 2019.

Reclaimed water problems

Ten years after the reclaimed water program was instituted, residents in 2018 began complaining that their drinking water was smelly, yellow with algae, and sandy, and that some residents and their pets were getting sick, according to Ferrigan. 

The Health Department got involved in January 2020 after a South Ocean Boulevard resident called to say she was not properly informed of a cross connection found on her street in December 2018. A cross connection occurs when reclaimed water pipes used for lawn irrigation are wrongly connected to the drinking water lines. Reclaimed water is highly treated wastewater that is suitable only for irrigation, not for human or pet consumption.

Health officials found that the city failed to implement its Cross Connection Control Program when the reclaimed water system was launched in 2008. It also found the city violated at least nine regulatory standards.

Ferrigan’s role 

Ferrigan, hired in 2017 as an industrial pre-treatment inspector, reported water quality problems to her supervisors, she said in her July 2022 lawsuit. When they failed to act after the January 2020 complaint was made, she reported her concerns to both the Health Department and the county Inspector General’s Office.

She had approached that office in February 2020, fearing she would be fired for cooperating with the Health Department investigators. Ferrigan received whistleblower protection in September 2020 from the Inspector General’s Office.

She did not need that letter, Bronstein said on April 24. “The reality of the Florida law says a government worker who raises concerns has a whistleblower shield against retaliation,” he said.

When Ferrigan was fired, city officials insisted she was dismissed as part of a reorganization designed to promote “efficiency and austerity.” 

But her position was the only non-vacant one eliminated in the Utilities Department in the past 10 years, Bronstein said, after requesting city records. He called the way the city treated Ferrigan “egregious.”

Ferrigan described her last months working for the city as “terrible. It was clear to me that they wanted me out.”

Ferrigan and Bronstein said they have received their checks. The voluntary dismissal, filed on April 26 by Ferrigan’s team, calls for each side to bear its own legal costs, except for the details agreed to in the settlement.

What’s next for Ferrigan?

“I will find another passion, and I will volunteer,” she said. 

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After contentious municipal elections concluded in March, there was celebration in our coastal cities and towns. One side won, one side lost. Now we’re watching as winning candidates are rushing to fulfill campaign promises and reward supporters.

Retribution no doubt feels good for those who perceived themselves as victims of laws, rules and legislation that didn’t support their beliefs or interests.

But once the champagne bottles are empty, what next? Maybe drop the grudges.

Difficult problems await.

Unprecedented new construction and downtown development are putting pressure on our streets, beaches and neighborhoods. Water treatment plants, sewage treatment centers and the associated infrastructure are aging and in need of repair and replacement. Police and fire-rescue departments continue to struggle with a rapidly increasing population and the proportional rise in crime.

And rain. The deluge in Fort Lauderdale and atmospheric rivers in California have been a wake-up call to what could happen anywhere at any time.

And sea level rise — king tides will be with us again in a matter of months and sea walls continue to crumble.

And hurricane season — we’re only about a month away.

Plus, general cost increases as the global supply chain plays catch-up from a deadly pandemic.

The role of a municipal government after all is to keep its community healthy and safe: with traffic and sewage flowing, trash picked up and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner, water safe to drink and a quick, appropriate response from public safety when an emergency arises. Everything else is icing on the cake.

So, let’s drop the grudges, put some salve on the wounded egos and bring the best interests of all the residents back into focus. The state requires annual budgets be prepared each summer. It’s time to get to work.

— Mary Kate
Leming, Editor

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11063062679?profile=RESIZE_710xPaul Adkins, CEO of Florida Peninsula Insurance Co., is surrounded by family photos and a gadgety gift at his office in Boca Raton. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star

By Faran Fagen

Trustworthiness and caring are key characteristics that drive a lot of successful business leaders. So says Florida Peninsula Insurance Co.’s Paul Adkins, whom the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce has named as Business Leader of the Year.

Adkins has made outstanding contributions to the business world and significant changes to the communities he serves, said Troy McLellan, the chamber president.

“A leader in his industry, Adkins, along with the other recipients, has created jobs, contributed to our overall economic growth, and has set the bar high for those to follow,” McLellan said.

Adkins was excited, honored and humbled to receive the award. “The reality is that I have a great group of partners and a great team so I view this as recognition for all of us,” he said.

Adkins started Florida Peninsula — one of the 10 largest homeowners insurance companies in the state — 17 years ago with five partners, all veteran insurance professionals.

What started as a modest idea has grown into an iconic business that has 190,000 customers in Florida. Adkins is chairman and chief executive officer.

“It’s been a lot of hard work but it has also been a lot of fun,” Adkins says. “Florida Peninsula has also made it a priority to give back to the community and it’s a critical way to stay connected.”

A company group called Florida Peninsula Gives Back offers employees the opportunity to donate their time and money to different charities every month. These include building homes for Habitat for Humanity, helping stuff Thanksgiving boxes for Boca Helping Hands and working with the Wounded Warriors Project.

“It’s a win for both our company and community, and our employees love it,” said Adkins, 59.

The 30-year Boca Raton resident volunteers for several causes in the community, including Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Habitat for Humanity, In The Pines and, of course, the

Chamber of Commerce. However, the YMCA of South Palm Beach County is the place with which he feels most connected. 

“I’ve worked with them for over 20 years, including two years of being chief volunteer officer,” Adkins says. “I’m constantly amazed at how much the Y does for the community. If you consider the breadth of services it provides, it touches over 30,000 in South Palm Beach County every year.”

In addition to Adkins’ award, the Boca chamber will recognize the Business of the Year (Palm Beach State College) and Small Business Leaders of the Year (Bonnie and Jon Kaye) during a May 19 luncheon at Boca West Country Club.

Adkins was also recognized by South Florida Business & Wealth magazine as a 2019 Apogee Awards honoree. The awards recognize distinguished leaders for dedication to their industries and communities.

Adkins and his wife, Kathryn, grew up in Salisbury, Maryland. He went to Dartmouth College and majored in computer science, and then got his master’s in business administration at Harvard.

Prior to cofounding Florida Peninsula, he cofounded Seven Seas Communications, which sold satellite phone service to yachts and fishing vessels throughout the world.

“From that point forward, I knew I only wanted to work in entrepreneurial businesses,” Adkins says.

He served as a strategy and operations consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton and general manager for the Americas for the Stratos Global Corp.

Golf is his favorite hobby, and he enjoys hiking and skiing. He has two daughters, Lauren, 26, and Caroline, 23.

“Between raising two wonderful girls, working in a company with people that love to come to work every day, and helping out local charities, I really feel blessed,” he says.

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