Mike Smollon commented on The Coastal Star's blog post Along the Coast: Crash deepens cries for safer A1A
"Nothing I've seen or heard of could have prevented this accident. An elderly driver crosses the center line and strikes oncoming traffic? A bike lane wouldn't have helped."
Feb 1, 2024
Mike Smollon commented on The Coastal Star's blog post Along the Coast: Higher cost estimates could scuttle fire district plan
"In the meantime, the pocket continues to  be shortchanged on both fire rescue and police service, while paying top tax rates for both."
Jun 2, 2016
Mike Smollon commented on Mary Kate Leming's blog post Ocean Ridge: Yannuzzi agrees to resign as chief
"I'm unclear as to why the commissioner refused to turn the stolen credit card over to the police."
Jan 16, 2015