By Ed Tichenor In June and September of 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted water quality studies at the Boynton Beach Inlet to assess the impact from the Lake Worth Lagoon on the coastal environment. The introduction
Read more…I just want to say that receiving The Coastal Star in Michigan is like a letter from a friend. I thoroughly enjoy each issue and compliment you on the content. Lois DeCew Briny Breezes
Read more…Your article presenting the now and future development of Delray Beach confirms the lack of integrity and common sense our planning commissions are showing. I walk almost every day and it is scary to see the number of retail spaces unoccupied or unde
Read more…I am writing as I find it so sad what become of our Delray Beach. I feel greed has taken over. We have no parks, no parking, no water and too many empty apartments, condos and townhouses. Yet, we continue to build. To our mayor: Please, no more hotel
Read more…For many workers, Tri-Rail is a godsend. Without it, some of the 15,000 daily Tri-Rail commuters would have to either give up their jobs, or drastically reduce other spending to provide for substitute transportation. Sure, there are some who will ne
Read more…By Robert W. Ganger The Florida Senate and House recently passed a new “Community Renewal Act” (Senate Bill 360). As of this writing, it is on the governor’s desk for his signature or veto. The bill has some appealing aspects. It tries to streamline
Read more…When did A1A become a publicly funded exercise facility? So much for the bike lanes. I propose an A1A volleyball tournament. William Kuntz, Hypoluxo Island
Local Voices Given the recently published articles on motorists’, bicyclists’ and pedestrians’ difficulty “sharing the road,” it is probably a good time to remind everyone of the law: • In Florida, when operated on the roadway, bicycles are vehicle
Read more…This is a tough time to ask for a year-end donation for any worthy organization, but 1000 Friends of Florida is in the field from Tallahassee to the Florida Keys making a significant difference for Florida’s future. It is no secret that Gov. Charlie
Read more…I have just finished reading your March 7, 2009, issue. What a pleasure it is to read real news regarding my community of Ocean Ridge. I am an active participant in my community, attending Town Commission meetings as well as meetings of the Planning
Read more…In his letter to the editor last month, Earl Jones wrote that bicyclists should ride in bike lanes where bike lanes are provided, and that police departments should enforce the 3-foot minimum passing distance. The problem is that the majority of mot
Read more…The Coastal Star’s Jan. 3 article on holiday bonuses for municipal employees, “Thanks! Holiday bonus traditions vary,” was comprehensive and informative. However, like most issues involving public expenditures, this topic is more complex than it seem
Read more…I found it interesting that in one issue of your paper there were the following two headlines: “Bicycle pack riders need to stick to their lanes,” and “Biking A1A: a scenic and scary ride.” I’m a 68-year-old man who has been cycling on A1A for over
Read more…Recent articles had former Delray City Commissioner Jon Levinson stating that he and others on the commission made it clear to City Manager David Harden that they wanted a fair and open process to select bond underwriters. I’m not aware of any docum
Read more…You’ve seen them riding along State Road A1A — long lines of bicycle riders who take over the road with little regard for motorists. Some “renegade” bicyclists or pack riders run red lights, yell profanities at motorists, and refuse to move over into
Read more… Nanette L Gordon 561-338-7650 Dear Friends and Colleagues, I would like to find a gentle, patient, effective certified dog trainer for leash training for adult (darling) dog in Boca Raton. Reason: Prospective (dog walkin
Read more…Jan Norris -- A couple of years ago, I got a dip recipe from a friend at The Post, Victoria Malmer. It was a hot chicken-wing dip that was cooked in a CrockPot. It turned out to be one of the most popular recipes of all time. It’s made the rounds,
Read more…I really enjoy your paper, as do all of my friends, neighbors and clients. We are all very concerned about what is going to happen at Atlantic Plaza. The height and density of the project keeps growing, despite our protests. Can’t we, as residents an
Read more…The Palm Beach Countywide Coastal Council unanimously supported an initiative to act as a unified body to demand regulatory reform for coastal projects at a meeting held on November 21, 2008. All of our coastal communities are impacted by the hurdles
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