"no other veterans organization can reep the benefits of what we do in schools GETTING THE JOB DONE We dont buy off with Medals, or schlorships or free lunches but educate those future leaders on HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED and what seems to be…"
no other veterans organization can reep the benefits of what we do in schools GETTING THE JOB DONE We dont buy off with Medals, or schlorships or free lunches but educate those future leaders on HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED and what seems to be forgotton AMERICAN HISTORY and it FREE .Tell mew any one know who wrote the Pledge of Alleigence or even give me one word that MAKES A LONG SENTANCE
no other veterans organization can reep the benefits of what we do in schools GETTING THE JOB DONE We dont buy off with Medals, or schlorships or free lunches but educate those future leaders on HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED and what seems to be forgotton AMERICAN HISTORY and it FREE .Tell mew any one know who wrote the Pledge of Alleigence or even give me one word that MAKES A LONG SENTANCE