During a 43-year Hollywood career, Walter Elias Disney established himself and his products as an authentic part of Americana. Beginning his career as an advertising cartoonist in Kansas City, he relocated to Hollywood in 1923, where he created and marketed his first original animated cartoons. Mickey Mouse entered popular culture in 1928, followed by a host of other characters, which became the perpetual delight of American children and their parents. Disneyland was completed in 1955, the same year that "The Mickey Mouse Club" was first aired on television. Walt Disney World opened to the public in October 1971, with the Epcot Center launched a year later. While gathering 32 personal Academy Awards, Walt Disney did more to touch the hearts and minds of people worldwide than any other man in the 20th century. Enjoy stories of his artistic life in a lively program by Robert Wyatt in which he combines history and photography within a multitude of video clips that will heighten your appreciation of Disney's genius. This event is also available virtually.
- Jan 8, 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30 EST
- Location: OLLI at FAU, 777 Glades Rd. Bldg. CEH 31D, Boca Raton, Fl 33431 561-297-3185 olliboca.fau.edu
- Latest Activity: Jan 5, 2024