Tap Dancing Through Auschwitz follows five high school seniors as they visit the infamous concentration camp Auschwitz, on a trip known as The March of the Living. While in the midst of their own life transitions, their entire world is flipped upside down as they bear witness to the horrors of their ancestors’ past. This coming-of-age story shows the inevitable relationship between light and darkness, suffering and hope, and misery and faith.
Inspired by true events, this play is an edgy yet eye-opening experience that diverges from the typical classroom setting– incorporating a racy and colloquial dialogue that creates a familiarity with young audiences. Thus, forming a bridge between the younger generation and the history of the past, which cannot stand to be ignored.
*Please be advised, that this production utilizes adult language, suggestive content, and trigger-sensitive material along with the use of strobe lighting, haze, and a prop firearm. Recommended for High School ages and up.