Since its inception Lightroom has been a program designed to get the most out of digital cameras. While Photoshop continues to be the program of choice for photographers, designers, illustrators, pre-press specialists, composite artists and digital painters, Lightroom takes a more measured approach in being a more effective program for photographers shooting with the new generation of digital cameras. In this workshop we will learn to create catalogs, import our images from our cameras, decide on a folder structure that makes sense to you, backup to an additional drive, apply your copyright, add keywords, and render previews to suit your needs. Exploiting the Library Module, we will work more with keywording, rating and flagging images and learn to filter your view of images based on Metadata, Attributes and Keywords. This will allow you to quickly access the images you want when you want to see them.
Once we are comfortable with where our images are and how to find them we can begin to explore the Develop Module, where some very powerful tools reside. Learn to properly set your white and black point through manipulation of the Exposure and Black sliders and then refine with Brightness and Contrast, then pull back information with Recovery and Fill Light and make additional refinements utilizing Clarity and Vibrancy.