The ultra-Orthodox and ultra-Nationalist movements are using the levers provided through the World Zionist Congress to advance their agenda in Israel and squash progressive values and Reform Judaism in Israel.
We can’t let that happen.
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton will be hosting this important program at their Schaefer Family Campus in east Boca Raton Learn from Rabbi Lindsey Danziger from the Religious Action Center (the Social Justice arm of the Union for Reform Judaism), Rabbi Elana Rabishaw, and Director of Youth and Family Education and Engagement Heather Erez how we can have an impact on preserving our rights as Reform Jews and advancing our Reform Jewish values in Israel. That night, we will cast our votes in the World Zionist Congress election.
If you love and care about the future of Israel, you cannot miss this event. . Free and open to the public.
Registration is required at: