• Aug 29, 2024 from 7:00 to 9:00
  • Location: Temple Beth El of Boca Raton
  • Latest Activity: Jul 24, 2024

12747176693?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Talmud records the famous divides between Hillel and Shammai, but when they honored each other in the midst of their disagreements, the Holy One would say: “Eilu V’Eilu Divrei Elohim Chayim – These words and those words are the words of the Living God.”

Thousands of years later, with our nation so divided, Temple Beth El is proud to host Dr. Tevi Troy and Rabbi David Saperstein for a night of engaging dialogue around the pressing issues facing our people and our nation today. Dr. Troy and Rabbi Saperstein will model how even political protagonists with sharply differing political, religious, and ideological views can engage in respectful and constructive dialogue, offering us an opportunity to learn from two extraordinary leaders and thinkers – the places where they differ, and where they find common ground.

Registration link: https://tbeboca.shulcloud.com/event/eilu-veilu---these-and-those-a-debate-on-jewish-values-and-american-politics.html



Best-selling author Dr. Tevi Troy formerly served as a senior White House aide, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services and Liaison to the Jewish Community in the Bush administration. The  author of five books on the presidency, including the forthcoming The Power and the Money: The Epic Clashes Between American Titans of Industry and Commanders in Chief, he is currently Senior Fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Visiting Fellow at the Mercatus Center and a Senior Scholar at Yeshiva University’s Straus Center.


For 40 years, Rabbi Saperstein served as Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, representing the Reform Jewish Movement in Washington, DC. In 2014, he was appointed by President Obama to serve as the first non-Christian US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Also an attorney, Rabbi Saperstein taught seminars on church-state law and on comparative Jewish and American law for 35 years at Georgetown University Law Center.

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