• Apr 5, 2025 from 19:30 to 21:30
  • Location: Countess de Hoernle Theatre At Spanish River High School
  • Latest Activity: on Friday

Boca Ballet Theatre is proud to present Coppélia on April 5-6, 2025! This charming narrative ballet tells the story of a life-size dancing doll who captures the heart of a villager named Franz. When Franz sets aside his beloved Swanhilda to pursue Coppélia, Swanhilda shows him his folly by dressing as the doll and pretending to make it come to life. Ultimately, Swanhilda saves Franz from an untimely end at the hands of inventor Dr. Coppélius.

This performance will feature New York City Ballet principal dancers Megan Fairchild and Joseph Gordon as well as a talented cast of Boca Ballet Theatre dancers. You don’t want to miss this vibrant comic ballet and your chance to see these beautiful dancers sharing the stage with BBT’s aspiring young dancers!

Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 7:30 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2025, at 2 PM

Tickets: $25-55

Tickets to Coppélia are available at bocaballet.org/season.

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