Firehock Memorial Reef

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Underwater Memorial Reef Statue for Delray Beach firefighter Peter Firehock.In the ocean east of Palm Beach.

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  • Underwater Memorial Statue for firefighter Peter Firehock located just east of Palm Beach in 60' of water by Dept. of Environmental Resource Management.  This reef monument provides needed marine habitat and a place for corals to attach in an otherwise barren part of the near shore environment. The sculpture was created by the same people making REEF CELL artificial reefs for Palm Beach County.

    Peter Firehock was tragically killed after witnessing another murder in Boynton Beach. He was a senior member of Delray Beach Fire Rescue and the founder of Delray Beach’s Ocean Rescue as well as helping many other municipalities start their own Ocean Rescue programs. An avid diver, Pete is still very missed by all those whose lives he touched.

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