South Palm Beach: News briefs

Town Hall plans may be set for February unveiling — Joe Barry, a representative from CPZ Architects, which is designing South Palm Beach’s new Town Hall and community center, gave a progress report on the project at the November Town Council meeting, including some target dates prior to the expected start of construction next spring.

Barry said he met with individual council members on Sept. 17 for an exchange of ideas and to work up an outline for the project. On Nov. 6 he returned to meet with Town

Manager Jamie Titcomb and his staff to assess their needs and requirements and come up with a working draft.

“That’s actually our starting point now, as we look forward to actually begin designing what would be your Town Hall,” Barry said.

He said by the end of November he expected meetings regarding the building code and zoning issues to be held, and a conceptual floor plan should be ready to share by the week of Dec. 8. The next scheduled council meeting is Dec. 10.

“We would then create what we call a three-dimensional rending of the building and meet in January to review the aesthetic design,” he said. “So, I’m going to work at your pace and as you feel comfortable, keep developing the project (so) that by February we should be in a position to hold a community outreach event and share the designs with the community, and get their input on where we are at that point.”

Vice Mayor Monte Berendes had several questions regarding the design, but Barry assured him that it was no more than a working draft and remained fluid.
Titcomb said the $4 million the council has set aside for the project should be enough to pay for it without any further assessments.

Comprehensive Plan presented — Town Planner Walter Keller presented the council with a rough draft of the Comprehensive Plan the town is required to file with the state, urging the council to do so as the state then has 60 days to respond before the plan can be ratified. Keller said the changes he recommended “are not very significant.” The council approved the motion to send the plan to the state.

Navy veteran tells his story — Robert D’Amelio, a resident who was in the U.S. Navy during the 1960s, related his experiences to the Town Council about serving aboard an aircraft carrier, where he spent a good portion of his time on deck helping planes land and take off. His talk before the council was in commemoration of Veterans Day, which was celebrated one day earlier.

Lift pump expense OK’d — The council approved spending $5,945 to cover the recent repair of the town lift pump. Town Manager Jamie Titcomb said he has requested bids from contractors regarding whether to fix or replace the pump going forward.

— Brian Biggane

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