South Palm Beach Election: Candidates

Election Results:

Top two win commission seats:

Joseph M. Flagello - 315 votes, 45.92%

Bonnie Fischer - 238 votes, 34.69%

Brian Merbler - 133 votes, 19.39%

Question 1: 

(Maximum 60 foot building height east of A1A)

Yes - 309 votes, 79.03%

No - 82 votes, 20.97%

Question 2:

(Prohibition of new or expansion of existing non-residential uses except for public buildings/uses)

Yes - 293 votes, 75.52%

No - 95 votes, 24.48%


South Palm Beach: Oceanfront Inn takes third strike from council

At the March 22 Town Council meeting, Mayor Donald Clayman, who is running unopposed in the March 8 election, will be sworn in, retaining the seat to which he (as former vice mayor) was appointed after then-Mayor Martin Millar resigned in December.  Councilman Joseph Flagello, who subsequently was appointed to the commission and the post of vice mayor, and Councilman Brian Merbler are among three candidates running for two council seats, with the top vote-getters earning election. Council members serve two year terms with $3,000 salary.

7960326460?profile=originalBONNIE FISCHER
PERSONAL: 58; widowed; one child; attended University of New Haven, Quinnipiac University.

PROFSSIONAL: President of Imperial House; managed and assisted husband’s medical practice in Lake Worth.

POLITICAL: First run for office; worked with Inland Wetlands Commission, Conservation Commission and Naugatuck Regional Agency in Connecticut.

PRIORITY: Has always had a special interest and emphasis on environmental studies so restoration and preservation of beaches is important. Her special interest is to preserve, improve and maintain the charm of South Palm Beach.








7960327059?profile=originalJOSEPH M. FLAGELLO (i) 
PERSONAL: 45; divorced; one child; B.S. Florida International University; D.C. Life Chiropractic University.

PROFESSIONAL: Practicing chiropractor.

POLITICAL: Served previous two-year term; appointed to and finishing current term.

PRIORITY: The main issues of South Palm Beach are decreasing tax revenues due to decreasing property values, which directly impact the delivery of services to the community, and protecting our beaches in an effective yet environmentally sensitive way. Decisions on the town’s future land use issues should be decided by the entire community instead of just a legislative body of five individuals.








7960326486?profile=originalBRIAN MERBLER (i) 
PERSONAL: 40; married; two children; B.S. communication and business, University of Central Florida.

PROFESSIONAL: Managing partner Brikell Group, strategic marketing, sales and planning business.

POLITICAL: Completing first two-year term. Former planning board alternate; represents town in Florida League of Cities; worked with Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County; active in American Cancer Society.

PRIORITY: I would certainly continue my efforts to gain permitting for our beach breakwater project. In South Palm Beach the beach is the heartbeat of our town. We have to pay attention to a beach that’s critically eroded. My big thing is laser focus on beach permitting and funding. Second big thing is the budget. Raising taxes is not a sustainable plan.

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