7960777279?profile=originalPaul Cienniwa will play Bach’s Art of the Fugue on the harpsichord at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Photo provided

By Janis Fontaine

Music at St. Paul’s will celebrate its 30th season with a performance of J.S. Bach’s Art of the Fugue and an anniversary gala reception at 3 p.m. March 18 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 188 S. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach.
Paul Cienniwa and Michael Bahmann will perform with harpsichords. A reception will follow.
“Music is an outreach,” Cienniwa said. “It’s a gateway drug to bring people to church. Music can touch people who aren’t religious. It’s a spiritual experience.”
Tickets are $20 (suggested donation) at the door. Admission is free for ages 18 and younger. For more information, call 276-4541 or visit www.stpaulsdelray.org.

Run or walk to fight hunger
St. Mark Catholic Church of Boynton Beach will be among the congregations to sponsor teams when the Community Caring Center of Greater Boynton Beach hosts its annual Hunger Walk/5K on March 10 at Ocean Avenue Amphitheater, 129 E. Ocean Ave., Boynton Beach.
The walk starts at 10:30 a.m. and travels about a mile and a half to the beach and back. Last-minute registration for the walk is free, but a suggested donation of $20 or nonperishable canned food items is suggested at registration, which begins 9:30 a.m. Teams and runners should register at www.cccgbb.org.

Scholarship program
St. Mark Catholic Church’s Council of Catholic Women will hold a bake sale on March 10 and 11 and an Easter plant sale on March 17 and 18 to raise money for its scholarship program.
Female students planning to attend Catholic high schools can apply for a scholarship by April 1. Applications are available in the church office. Call 734-9330.

A conversation about race
On Feb. 21, the Church of the Palms began a five-week series of “dinner and a conversation” nights to open a dialogue about ways to heal the divisions in society, specifically “understanding overt racism and more subtle examples, both personal and systemic, that infuse our language, attitudes and culture.”
The leaders use a board game called “Breaking It Down: Towards E Pluribus Unum,” developed by the National Center for Race Amity and released by WHS Media Productions. The game is designed to create a safe space to learn about and discuss issues of race and race amity.
The game isn’t a competition. Instead, it encourages and assists people in talking in a nontoxic manner, and to have safe and sage conversations. Sometimes the smartest answer is “I don’t know,” and the game provides a non-judgmental place to say it. The game is appropriate for preteens through senior citizens, although there is a separate kids’ version.
Dinner is a light potluck supper at 6 p.m. followed by conversation at 6:30 at the church at 1960 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach. Call 276-6347 to sign up.
Candidate introduction
The nominating committee at First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach will present its candidate for associate pastor to the congregation at 11 a.m. March 11 at the church, at 33 Gleason St., Delray Beach. A special congregational meeting will follow. For more information, call 276-6338 or visit www.firstdelray.com.

Lower your car insurance
St. Mark Catholic Church will host a course for older adults, Coaching the Mature Driver, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 21. The class, which can help drivers reduce insurance costs, will be in the St. Clare Room at the church, 643 St. Mark Place, Boynton Beach. The cost is $15. Bring a check payable to DOTS, lunch and a beverage. To register, call Barbara at 732-1416 or 512-6407.

Ongoing programs
Beer, Conversation & God: Pub Theology meets at 7 p.m. March 6 (and the first Tuesday of each month) at the Biergarten, 309 Via De Palmas, No. 90, Boca Raton, and at 7 p.m. March 15 (and the third Thursday of each month) at Barrel of Monks, 1141 S. Rogers Circle, No. 5, Boca Raton, for conversation, fellowship and open discussion of mostly theological topics. For more information, contact Pastor Marcus Zillman at mzillman@fumcbocaraton.org or call 395-1244; www.fumcbocaraton.org.

The Interfaith Café: Join the theological discussion from 7 to 9 p.m. March 15 at South County Civic Center, 16700 Jog Road, Delray Beach. Light refreshments will be served. The meeting is free, but donations are appreciated. The Interfaith Café meets the third Thursday of the month, and volunteers are needed to assist with a variety of duties to keep this program going. For information or to volunteer, email Jane@Aurorasvoice.org.

Contact Janis Fontaine at janisfontaine@outlook.com.

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