PHOTOS: The Poodle Gang

Photos by Rachel S. O'Hara/The Coastal Star


Mila and Penny, followed by Mylow, enjoy strolling around the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Dave Stewart gets kissed by Mila while Penny looks longingly into a water bowl.


Dave Stewart becomes very popular with Mila and Penny when he gets out a water bottle to refill one of the many water bowls that the dog owners bring to the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.



Eevee and Mylow take a break from running around the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Mylow, 2, is a Boston Terrier and a member of The Poddle Gang.


Mylow tries to catch up to play with Penny and Mile at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Rusty, 5, a Standard Poodle, is one of the original members of The Poodle Gang.


Kim Giles tries to refill a water bowl as Xena tries to get the first dibs on the water.


Penny and Mila play together at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Mila leads Penny and Mylow across the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Mila plays with a frisbee at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Mila and Penny rough house while Winston backs away to find a more calm place to relax.


Eszter Gyarfos throws a frisbee for Eevee at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Mila and Xena face off before running together around the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


The dogs at the dog park may look like they are having the most fun, but the human owners love giving pets and snuggles to one another's dogs.


Winston, 2 1/2, a Goldendoodle is known as the Sergeant-in-Arms of The Poodle Gang because he has to be the first dog to alert the others that another dog is about to join them in the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Alex Manos tries to encourage the dogs already inside the dog park to back up to let in Michael Dmytrow, 13, and his dog Reef.


Penny is known for her "Penny Pincher" hugs.


Brynn Manos gives her dog, Penny, 1, a Goldendoodle, some scratches behind the ears while she takes a break from running around the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Kim Giles throws a frisbee out to one of the dogs looking to play fetch at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Michael Dmytrow, 13, has fun playing with his dog Reef, the Weimaraner, and his neighbor the Manos' dog, Penny.


Penny plays with Sweetpea as the sun begins to set at the temporary dog park at Maddock Park in Lantana.


Kim Giles reacts with a big laugh and smile to Boo's, 7, Boxer, slobbery affections.


Eszter Gyarfos gives her dog Mila, 11 mos., rescue, a kiss.


Boo, 7, Boxer, looks up lovingly as Michael Dmytrow, 13, gives him some pats on the back and scratches around the ears.

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