Impact 100 Palm Beach County’s 547 members donated $547,000 to 10 South County charities during the Grand Awards Celebration that wrapped up the 2017-18 season.

Since the first Grand Awards Celebration in 2011, members have given $2,765,000 to effect positive change in the community.

The winners are: Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia’s Building a String Orchestra and Self-Esteem, in the arts and culture category; Lake Worth West Resident Planning Group’s Steps to Success (education category); Delray Beach Children’s Garden’s Expanding Our Nature education programming (environmental); Place of Hope’s Leighan and David Rinker Campus’ Transitional Independent Living Neighborhood (family); and Genesis Community Health’s Genesis Smiles (health and wellness). 

Each organization received $100,000. In addition, Fishing for Families in Need, Flaming Clay Studio, Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County, T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society and Urban League of Palm Beach County were awarded $9,400 each.

Challenge grant raises $466,632 for JARC 

JARC Florida, a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that provides programs and services to educate and empower those with developmental disabilities, raised $466,632 as part of its $100,000 challenge grant in partnership with Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots.

All funds raised will be used to support JARC’s Community Works program, which provides clients with job training and employment opportunities, and its residential program, which provides group homes and apartments for clients to live independently.

“I am so inspired by the JARC community coming out in full force in response to the challenge grant,” Kraft said. “I could not be any happier to match $100,000 worth of the new and increased donations that were made during the challenge.”

Alzheimer’s luncheon

raises more than $210,000

The fourth-annual Alzheimer’s luncheon at Boca West Country Club benefited the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s Community Care and the Louis and Anne Green Memory and Wellness Center at FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing.

It was the first event in which all three organizations combined forces to raise funds — more than $210,000 — and awareness about dementia and Alzheimer’s in the community. “This is one of the best fundraising events for Alzheimer’s that I have ever been involved with,” sponsor Candy Cohn said. “They each play a different role in helping and supporting people with Alzheimer’s and those who love them.”

Rotary Astros get boost

from Delray Beach club

Last month, the Rotary Club of Delray Beach gave $600 to the Miracle League Palm Beach County, a baseball organization for children with special needs.

The team the club sponsored is the Rotary Astros.

“We are now able to help 125 children and eight cheerleaders,” said Julia Kadel, co-founder of the league. “This whole operation could not have been successful without the cooperation of the Delray Beach City Commission and the Palm Beach County Commission.”

Theatre Lab’s Inner Circle

adds Wick as corporate donor

Theatre Lab, Florida Atlantic University’s professional theater company, has welcomed the Wick Theatre as the second corporate donor to join the Inner Circle. SunTrust Bank was the first.

The Inner Circle, created to raise private support for the new school endeavor, comprises those committed to cultural excellence.

“Theatre Lab and FAU are thrilled to have Wick Theatre as a part of our artistic family,” artistic director Lou Tyrrell said. “Marilynn Wick is a giant in the theater community in South Florida, and we are so very grateful to have her support.”

Wick said it was an honor to support Tyrrell and his team for the work they have done to build out FAU’s Theatre Lab and the opportunities they present to FAU students. “The reviews of their productions have been amazing,” she said. “They are making their mark as a must-see on the list of theatergoers in Boca Raton.”

In other FAU news, the Association of Performing Arts of India has made a contribution to the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters for the purpose of creating a legacy fund.

The fund will be used to promote and showcase the dance and music of India.

“We are delighted and honored to be chosen to steward this important work of preserving and promoting India’s rich music and dance tradition here in South Florida,” Dean Michael Horswell said. “This effort fits perfectly into our university’s mission to be a hub for the diverse cultures and arts of the world that make our community such a vibrant and exciting place to live and study.”

The association chose FAU because of a long relationship with James Cunningham, associate professor of music, and Clarence Brooks, associate professor and director of dance.

“I have shared their dream of incorporating Hindustani and Karnatak classical traditions from North and South India into the curriculum of the department of music at FAU,” Cunningham said. “That dream has at last come to fruition.”

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