7960907860?profile=originalVeterans toast their 2018 Day of Beauty at NSpa. This year’s event is Nov. 8. Photo provided

By Amy Woods

The Henry Morrison Flagler Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will celebrate Veterans Day by welcoming 10 female veterans of the armed forces to the 2019 Day of Beauty, set for Nov. 8.

The women will enjoy a day at NSpa in the Delray Beach Marriott followed by lunch at 50 Ocean.

“We want our brave women veterans to know how much we appreciate them for their service to America,” said Marjorie Ferrer, the chapter’s past regent. “They deserve all the honor.”

Community rallies to fund new food-delivery truck

The failure of Boca Helping Hands’ 25-year-old food-delivery truck — lovingly named Grandpa Bear — has turned into a blessing for the nonprofit.

After reports of the truck’s demise and subsequent hindrance of services to clients, contributions of more than $150,000 streamed in to fund a new refrigerated vehicle.

“We are simply astounded and so grateful for the incredible outpouring of support from the community and particularly appreciate the media getting the word out about this,” said Greg Hazle, the nonprofit’s executive director. “This new truck will enable us to fulfill and expand our efforts to feed families in need and will serve us well.”

For information, call 417-0913 or visit www.bocahelpinghands.org.

Program launched to treat mental illness in seniors

Mental health concerns are on the rise in every community, including South Florida, and the senior population often is the most at risk for depression, anxiety and related issues. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, older adults are the least likely to seek help.

“As our population is aging, it is clear that we need to develop programs and resources to enable older adults to continue to lead meaningful and healthy lives in the communities in which they live,” said geriatric psychiatrist Susan Lehmann, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland.

Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services has funded and launched a psychiatric program with Lehmann, who has been hired as a consultant. As such, she will help the organization create and develop a plan to aid the estimated one in five elders who experience mental health problems.

For information, call 852-3333 or visit https://ralesjfs.org.

Boca Festival Days a success for nonprofits

From bartending to bowling and beyond, this year’s Boca Chamber Festival Days had record-breaking numbers of attendees from whom to raise funds and awareness for participating nonprofits.

Boca Chamber Festival Days connects for-profit and nonprofit members to create fun-filled events for each during August. Highlights included a family-style Italian dinner to benefit ChildNet and a tour of the Boca Raton Resort & Club to benefit the Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum.

“There was something for everyone, and we are thankful for those who attended and participated in these events,” said Mariana Griswold, the chamber’s marketing and communications coordinator.

For information, call 395-4433 or visit www.bocaratonchamber.com.

5th anniversary of Jewish Women’s Foundation

The Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches is celebrating five years as an independent organization.

Established in 2002 as part of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, the women’s group broke out in 2014 with a focus on making social change.

“JWF became an independent organization because, while the federation does very important work in the community, ultimately our missions are different,” CEO Jennifer Kryshka said. “As an independent entity, we have been able to expand our mission to support all women and girls, including those outside of the Jewish community, deepen our organization’s advocacy and educational work and successfully create two leadership-development programs.”

For information, call 275-2200 or visit www.jwfpalmbeach.org.

Arc of Palm Beach is Nonprofit of the Year

The Arc of Palm Beach County is taking a bow after being named Nonprofit of the Year by Nonprofits First.

The charity, which serves people with developmental disabilities and their families, took home the prize from the Hats Off Nonprofit Awards last month. The event highlights the work that organizations and their employees and volunteers are doing to make a difference in the community.

“We are honored to have received this recognition not only for our programs and services but also for the wonderful people who benefit from them,” said Kimberly McCarten, The Arc of Palm Beach County’s president and CEO. “The clients who we are so privileged to serve deserve the best, and this is a nod to our daily efforts to make sure they feel accepted and included in the community.”

For information, call 842-3213 or visit www.arcpbc.org.

Send news and notes to Amy Woods at flamywoods@bellsouth.net.

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