7960638099?profile=originalThis year marks the 46th Earth Day since its inception on April 22, 1970. Each year a theme is chosen to celebrate the beauty, vitality and significance of our outdoors, and this year that theme is “Trees for the Earth.” To celebrate Earth Day 2016, The Park and Facilities Catalog is donating a portion of the proceeds from every sale of a bench, picnic table or trash receptacle created with their recycled plastic materials to the Everglades Foundation.

“Over the next five years, as Earth Day moves closer to its 50th anniversary, we’re calling on you to help us achieve one of our most ambitious goals yet — we’re planting 7.8 billion trees and we’re starting now.” -Earth Day Network

Everglades National Park is a World Heritage Site and an essential part of the ecosystem and economy of Florida. Decades of drainage and overdevelopment have shrunk America’s Everglades down to half its original size impacting the ecosystem from Lake Okeechobee to Florida Bay, harming the state’s tourism industry and threatening the quality of life for millions of Floridians and millions more tourists who rely on a healthy Everglades for their water supply.

The Everglades Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring America’s Everglades. Through scientifically sound, achievable solutions, the Foundation seeks to reverse the damage inflicted on this unique ecosystem and provide policymakers and the public with an honest and credible resource on complex restoration issues. Additionally, this summer the Everglades Foundation will launch the $10 million George Barley Prize, the largest clean water prize competition to date, with the goal of solving the phosphorus pollution problem plaguing the Everglades and other freshwater lakes and rivers across the country and the world.

Not only is The Park Catalog committed to decreasing the waste that ends up in landfills, it is also committed to helping preserve precious open spaces in its own backyard such as Everglades National Park. It’s estimated that over 100 million tons of plastic is consumed worldwide and that recycled plastic has actually increased in demand the past few years. The Park Catalog’s recycled material products are made with 100 percent recycled HDPE post- consumer content plastic, which ensures there is less plastic trash in landfills and more unspoiled land and clean water for all of us.

“It may be called Earth Day, but the first step to preserving the planet begins in the places where we live,” said Andy Kowalczyk, Business Development Marketing Manager at Sustainable Sites. “The purchase of products made with recycled plastic completes the loop from gathering, to manufacturing, to purchase and puts that resource back in circulation rather than in a landfill or in our public spaces.”

The Park Catalog is located mere hours from the Everglades National Park and chose to dedicate a portion of the proceeds from sales of their recycled plastic products to the Everglades Foundation to support their commitment to preserving such a vital ecosystem.

About the Park and Facilities Catalog
The Park and Facilities Catalog is headquartered in Boca Raton, Fla. In business since 2001, the company is a national provider of commercial-grade outdoor site furnishings such as bicycle parking racks, park benches, aluminum bleachers, lockers, receptacles, picnic tables, and other Division 10 and 12 construction items. Clients include municipalities, businesses, contractors, architects, parks, schools, universities, shopping centers and office buildings. For more information, visit https://www.theparkcatalog.com/recycled-plastics/

About The Everglades Foundation 

The Everglades is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3), science based organization dedicated to the restoration and protection of America’s Everglades. Founded in 1994 by Paul Tudor Jones II and the late George Barley, the Everglades Foundation science, education, communication and advocacy teams work diligently each day to accomplish this goal.http://www.evergladesfoundation.org

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