Beach renourishment will take place on Hammock Park beach starting in mid-March and ending April 30.
Palm Beach County will be dredging beach-quality sand in the vicinity of the Boynton Inlet and piping it to an area of the shoreline that is exposed during the lowest tides.
Ocean Ridge learned of the beach renourishment on Jan. 31 from the county’s Department of Environmental Resources Management. The dredging and beach renourishment is timed so that it will not affect sea turtle nesting.
Similar to the 2013 inlet maintenance dredging, a pipe will transport the sand from the interior waterways to the beach south of the inlet. The contractor plans to work 24/7 and there will be on-beach lighting required for safety reasons, according to DERM.
Ocean Ridge Mayor Geoff Pugh said the last time beach renourishment happened, the sand covered up the patch reefs off the park — reefs that have been thriving in recent months.
The dredging will occur from the inlet sand trap, the Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park boat channel and the Intracoastal Waterway.
— John Pacenti