By Mary Thurwachter

    Lantana has had the same tax rate for seven years and that won’t change this year. The rate will remain at $3.24 per $1,000 of taxable value.
    “That’s something the people should be proud of,” said Mayor Dave Stewart at the town’s July 13 meeting.
    Because property values increased by 10.7 percent, residents will pay more taxes this year. For example, Stewart, who lives on Hypoluxo Island, paid $1,190 in town taxes last year and will pay $1,201 this year.
    Anticipated property tax revenues for 2016 are $2.47 million, which is an increase of $236,003 over 2015.
    The town’s health insurance cost (including dental insurance) is projected to increase by 16 percent, to $1.14 million.
    Employees are not expected to receive cost of living raises this year due to a stagnant consumer price index, but merit pay raises are anticipated, based on evaluations. And, at its July 27 meeting, the town approved a one-time $1,100 pre-tax payment for employees in recognition of their dedication.
    Capital requests range from $35,000 for beach park playground replacement to $83,769 for two new police cars. Computer equipment, an air conditioner for the computer room, landscaping and irrigation projects and improvements to Sportsman’s Park projects (seawall and paving) are also on the list.
    The council will hold public budget hearings at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 16 and Sept. 28 in Town Council chambers.
    In other news:
    • The Town Council welcomed Lantana’s new director of operations, Linda Brien. Her position is a new one, created by combining the public works and utilities departments. Brien began work on July 13. She has more than 25 years’ experience in public utilities and had been program administrator for the Florida Department of Environmental Production for 12 years. Her salary is $88,071.
    • Town officials received a check for $750,000, the second of three installments to build a new sports complex to replace the prime space it occupied at the old A.G. Holley property. The new complex will have three baseball fields and two soccer fields built on 11 acres off North Eighth Street behind the former hospital site. The money came from Southeast Legacy, developers of the Water Tower Commons on the site of the old tuberculosis hospital.

Proposed tax rate: $3.24 per $1,000 of taxable value*
2014-15 tax rate: $3.24 per $1,000 of taxable value
Change in property value: 10.7 percent increase
Total budget (operating and capital): $17.03 million
Public hearings: 5:30 p.m. Sept. 16 and Sept. 28 in Town Council Chambers
*Tax rate may be lowered, but not raised at the September hearings.

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