Ocean Avenue bridge construction, photographed facing west, shows the expanse of the project. Tim Stepien/The Coastal Star
By Tim O’Meilia
The new, $32 million East Ocean Avenue bridge is two-thirds complete, and fishermen can relax. The fishing pier planned beneath the west side of bridge is finished except for the railings.
The $400,000 fishing pier was a late addition to the project.
Construction is a bit further along on the west side of the bridge where contractor GLF Construction of Miami is using Sportsman’s and Bicentennial parks as staging areas. The bridge approach on the west side has been poured and sidewalk construction is in progress, said Kristine Frazell-Smith, Palm Beach County’s project engineer on the job.
Drainage has been installed, retaining walls to both the east and west approaches have been built and three deck spans of the bridge have been poured. The east and west bascule piers have been completed, and steel erection on the west bascule span is finished.
The new bridge will be 11 feet higher than its 62-year-old predecessor. Although it will still be two lanes, the bridge will be wider, with broader driving lanes as well as bicycle and pedestrian lanes. It will allow for 40 percent fewer bridge openings for boats.
“The project is currently at approximately 66 percent complete and remains on schedule,”said Frazell-Smith.
That means a late November or early December opening, barring hurricanes and other catastrophes.
Mayor David Stewart says he expects the bridge will open around the first week in December and that the town budget includes $25,000 for fireworks and a bridge reopening party.
“It only happens once every 60 years, after all,” Stewart