13224018070?profile=RESIZE_710xJen Keough and her family participate in the annual Wreaths Across America Day at the South Florida National Cemetery, ensuring that all veterans’ graves are decorated. Photo provided

By Jan Engoren

One good way to make yourself feel good over the holidays is to “pay it forward” by helping others. One small act of kindness or generosity can make a difference in someone’s life and have a ripple effect.

Frances Guidone Haser of Delray Beach likes to go to a laundromat and put lots of quarters on top of the machines for others to use.

In Boynton Beach, Alison Chambers has paid off school lunch accounts that were overdue.
Brooke Alexandria, 36, a businesswoman from Boynton Beach, says that “a little bit of extra money over the holidays can go a long way to pay a bill or to buy gas.”

Through her bocafamfest and bar.event.group pages on Instagram, Alexandria sponsors a $1,000 giveaway to a family in need.

Another of her favorite acts is to buy a gift card at Publix for the person behind her in line.
“Sometimes it’s hard to accept a blessing,” she says. “This way there’s no embarrassment and more opportunity for blessings to happen.”

Occasionally she will go with a friend to the mall and drop $5 or $20 bills and watch people’s faces light up as they find the money.

This year she also plans to volunteer with the food drive at Christ Fellowship Church in Boynton Beach.

13224027261?profile=RESIZE_180x180For Jen Keough, 50, who works at Baptist Health in Boynton Beach, a traditional Christmas celebration is a day spent with family.

For the past nine years, the married mother of Brandon, a recent University of Central Florida graduate, has participated in National Wreaths Across America Day at the South Florida National Cemetery west of Lake Worth Beach.

Both her mother and stepfather are buried there, along with other family friends.
“It’s a way to feel close to my parents and to do good for others as well,” says Keough, who separately visits her mother’s grave every week with her sister and brings fresh roses to leave.
“We make a day of it,” Keough says about the national initiative. “And we make sure each soldier has a wreath, regardless of their faith.”

It’s something important for her to do, she says, and a way for her family to share in the experience.
“After, we all go out for a nice meal,” she says. “I know my mom and stepdad are loved, but there are many other graves that don’t get visitors.
“We lay a wreath on those graves out of respect for them,” she says. “This is a family ritual that brings us closer as a family and sets the tone for the holidays.”
Some ways to volunteer:

Salvation Army
A Christian-based ministry, the organization provides disaster relief, fights human trafficking, works to end homelessness, and offers respite care and veteran and youth empowerment programs.

Volunteer to ring a bell at the Red Kettle, adopt an angel from the angel tree, assist with disaster relief programs or serve with the women’s auxiliary. The Salvation Army counts on volunteers to help the organization “Do the Most Good” for people in need.

Call 561-686-3530 or visit westpalmbeach.salvationarmyflorida.org.

Caridad Center
The largest free and charitable clinic in Florida provides medical, dental, vision and behavioral health and social services, along with health education.
Medical practitioners, including doctors, dentists, nurses and medical assistants, are needed. So are Spanish and Creole interpreters, clerical staff, data entry people, fundraisers and finance volunteers, as well as volunteers to assist with a quarterly newsletter and social media.

The center is west of Boynton Beach. Call 561-737-6336 ext. 116 or visit caridad.org.

Feeding South Florida
Feeding South Florida provides food assistance and other support to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity and hunger.
Call 561-331-5441 ext. 2507, or visit feedingsouthflorida.org.

Boca Helping Hands
More than a soup kitchen, Boca Helping Hands is one of the largest nonprofit service providers in South Florida, serving more than 35,000 clients annually.
Volunteers are needed to register clients for the pantry bag program, answer phones, prepare hot meals, screen clients for financial eligibility, pack food or pick up donated food items.

Visit bocahelpinghands.org or email Nicole@BocaHelpingHands.org.

United Way
United Way works to ensure that everyone in Palm Beach County has access to a quality education, a place to live, financial stability, good medical care and enough to eat.
Help create literacy kits on Dec. 7 at the United Way office in West Palm Beach, or help sort toys on Dec. 14 at the Palm Beach County Food Bank in Lake Worth Beach.
Call 561-375-6600 or visit unitedwaypbc.org/get-involved/volunteer.

Boca Raton Toy Drive
Donate toys, money, or volunteer your time, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 8 at Sugar Sand Park. Visit https://tinyurl.com/srbkvz2p or email info@bocaratontoydrive.com.

Wreaths Across America
Dec. 14 is National Wreaths Across America Day, committed to teaching all generations about the value of freedom and the importance of honoring those who sacrificed to protect that freedom. 

Sponsor a veteran’s wreath in honor of or in memory of a loved one, lead a sponsorship group or coordinate a ceremony location. Visit wreathsacrossamerica.org.

Jan Engoren writes about health and healthy living. Send column ideas to jengoren@hotmail.com.

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