Voters in Gulf Stream will elect all five members of the Town Commission on March 14. Commissioners each serve a three-year term and this is an at-large election. The top five vote getters will win the seats, with no runoffs. Once elected, the commissioners will appoint a mayor and vice mayor.

Profiles compiled by Steven J. Smith

Paul A. Lyons Jr.
70; graduate of Georgetown University with a B.S. in business administration; resident of Gulf Stream for 13 years; married, two children, five grandchildren.

Financial services specialist working 16 years with Irving Trust Co., five years with Mitsubishi Trust & Banking; participated in private equity businesses in Denver and Vail, Colo., since 1992; retired last year.

    Political experience:
Member of the Gulf Stream Town Commission since 2014; former chairman of the Gulf Stream Architectural Review and Planning Board for four years.

    Positions on issues:
Selection of a new town manager; maintaining the architectural integrity of the districts within the town; focusing on a comprehensive plan regarding town infrastructure; maintaining financial oversight.

“The town government needs to be responsive and consumer friendly to its constituents. I want people loving to come to Town Hall and feeling that any question they have is a good one and any way we can possibly help them, we will.”

Julio M. Martinez
    Personal: 57; graduate of the University of Miami with a degree in general studies; resident of Gulf Stream for 14 years; married, two children.

    Professional: Retired from medical sales position with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in 2015 after 24 years; currently works for pharmaceutical company Depomed in its oncology division.

    Political experience: None.

    Positions on issues: Wants town government to be accountable to its citizens; streamline government.

    Quote: “I was former president of the Place Au Soleil homeowners association for four years, so I have experience as a leader. If I’m elected, I want to make sure everybody’s voice is heard. If we face challenges, I want to be sure we focus on solving them. I want to cut down on the red tape and get things accomplished in a very harmonious way. I want anyone walking into Town Hall to go in there with good thoughts.”

Scott Morgan
    Personal: 59; graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a B.A. in general art/science; graduate of the Dickinson School of Law with a J.D.; resident of Gulf Stream for over 20 years; married, three children.

    Professional: Practiced law in Pennsylvania for 25 years; started Humidifirst Co., a manufacturing company in Florida, 12 years ago.

    Political experience: Mayor of Gulf Stream for the last three years; former chairman of Gulf Stream Architectural Review and Planning Board.

    Positions on issues: Improving the roads in Place au Soleil and the core town areas; enlarging an outdated Town Hall to improve service to town residents; concluding the remaining public records lawsuits; achieving a timely completion of the utilities burial project.

    Quote: “Over the last three years, I spearheaded Gulf Stream’s legal strategy that achieved significant judicial success toward concluding the onslaught of litigation filed against the town, as well as stopping the filing of new public records lawsuits. In addition, our commission has built Gulf Stream’s financial reserves up to historically high levels and can now focus on the road and building projects requested by our residents. My goal is to continue working with our residents to preserve the special quality of life that defines the town of Gulf Stream.”

Martin E. O’Boyle
7960706287?profile=original    Personal: 65; Completed the 11th grade then left school to start a business and help his parents. Later obtained a G.E.D. ; Gulf Stream resident for 36 years; married, six children, 11 grandchildren.

    Professional: Owner of Commerce Group, Inc.; has been a shopping center developer for the last 48 years; has owned over 200 shopping centers in every state except Alaska, Hawaii, Montana and Wyoming.

    Political experience: Ran for Gulf Stream commission in 2014.

    Positions on issues: Concerned with the current litigation going on in town; wants to reduce the legal budget.

    Quote: “I offer a voice with a different view. My No. 1 goal is to end the unnecessary and economically wasteful and distasteful litigation that is now going on. Also, currently the town allows you to speak for three minutes. They refuse to answer questions. My next goal would be to answer those questions and when the meeting is over, to convince the commission to stay overtime if necessary and answer any and all questions that any and all residents have — and do my best to assist them. I also want to bring the legal budget down from $1 million per year to $5,000 per year. It used to be $3,400 per year. If I’m elected — and I don’t think I will be, because the civic association runs the town — all votes will be 5-0 or 4-1. They’ll be 5-0 if I think they’re doing the right thing, 4-1 if I don’t.”

Joan Orthwein
7960706296?profile=original    Personal: 61; graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia with a B.S. degree in civil engineering; Gulf Stream resident for 33 years; married, three children.

    Professional: Civil engineer with York, Pa., division of manufacturing firm Borg-Warner for a year, then five years with Southwestern Bell. Retired in 1984.

    Political experience: 20 years as Gulf Stream town commissioner; also served as head of the Architectural Review Board. Past mayor.

    Positions on issues: Focused on the completion of the utilities burial project; overseeing the timely management of public records requests; replacing the town manager.

    Quote: “I think everything is running well in Gulf Stream. If reelected, my focus will be on keeping Gulf Stream great as the well-rounded, beautiful town it is. We have a great community and a great community sense. We have a wonderful mix of older and younger people and we want to keep it that way.”

Thomas Stanley

7960706097?profile=original    Personal: 39; graduate of Princeton with a B.A. in history; J.D. degree from Florida State University; resident of Gulf Stream for seven years; married, no children.

    Professional: Attorney specializing in trusts, estates and real estate with the law firm MacMillan and Stanley since 2002.

    Political experience: Town commissioner from 2012-present; member of the Gulf Stream Architectural Review Board for one year (2012); served on the Delray Beach Historic Preservation Board from 2007-2012. Currently vice mayor.

    Positions on issues: Improving infrastructure and public works projects; continuing to protect the town and its employees from frivolous public records lawsuits; supporting the town and its districts in their needs relating to neighboring development.
Quote: “The biggest thing looking forward is to continue working on a long- range plan for a phased repair and replacement of our water system. We’ve been bogged down with other issues and I’m really interested in turning our attention to infrastructure improvements — especially the water system.”

Donna S. White

7960706471?profile=original    Personal: 69; graduated from Catholic University with degrees in psychology and English; Gulf Stream resident for 15 years; widow; two children, two stepchildren.

    Professional: Office manager for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corp. for five years; purchasing agent then assistant manager for EMBRAE Air; currently retired.

    Political experience: Town commissioner from 2013-present; Architectural Review and Planning Board member from 2006-2010. Also a current board member of the of the Place Au Soleil homeowners association.

    Positions on issues: Concerned with potentially invasive redevelopment plans Gunther Volvo has in town; achieving a timely completion of the utilities burial project; renovation of Town Hall and hiring additional in-house staff for currently outsourced work.

    Quote: “I want to continue to generate a sense of respect and cooperation between Place Au Soleil, the barrier island, the town staff and the Police Department. We’re all one town, working for the common good of everyone. Positive solutions are based on positive communication.”

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  • Thank you for taking the time to provide overview on all candidates. Please note my statement around town hall is for folks to fell good going there knowing they are going to be treated with respect and a sense of urgency. Our Town hall staff and police department have outstanding individulas when combined with and exremly talented and pssionate residents of Gulf Stream which I will make sure I am accesiable to we should have the goal of being the best Town in America. I may not be a politician but I have walked every street in Gulf Stream multiple times and have meet the most wonderful people who are dedicated and passionate in all that they do. My communication skills having worked for the biggest Pharma company in the world has resulted in wining every award possible. As A town Leader serving multiple roles all the way to president we worked with all indiviadulas in town hall the civic assocation and the police department to remodel  the front of Place Au Soleil with over 90 percent approval. Prior to that I served 3 years with Ocean Ridge Public safety  supporting their police department as needed as a volunteer. Giving back to a great community is an honor and in my DNA. My goal is to be seen by everyone walking the streets of Gulf Stream at least once a week and giving a to do list to work on. I hope everyone is able to vote and have their voice heard on March 14th. Sincerely Julio Martinez

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