Civic Association invites residents to centennial party — The Gulf Stream Civic Association will host a centennial celebration of the town’s incorporation with “a casual event” at The Little Club on Feb. 22.
The group will also sponsor a beach cleanup and a “Gulf Stream Gives Back” day with a deserving nonprofit still to be selected. It also sold 96 commemorative belts and 70 coasters.
“If there’s demand we will offer additional orders on that,” said Kirsten Stanley, the association’s president.
The cost for attending the outdoor buffet, weather permitting, is $50 a person, and there will be a capacity of 220 people. Stanley thanked Suzanne Lanigan, Lisa Morgan and Jennifer Coulter for coordinating the effort.
“It will be a first-come, first-serve basis and we encourage and hope all residents are able to attend. We want it to be very inviting and very inclusive,” Stanley said.
Mayor Scott Morgan said he hopes residents will take part.
“This is our hundredth anniversary for the town, founded in 1925. So hopefully the word gets out and we have a great turnout,” he said.
— Steve Plunkett