7960341686?profile=originalGerry Pagano is the kind of guy you’d like to meet at a party when the conversation turns to “What do you do for a living?” His career has taken him from the cockpit of an Army helicopter in Vietnam to the controls of Palm Beach County’s air ambulance program. In between, Pagano spent several years directing commercial jets through the crowded air space above South Florida’s three major airports.
In other words, he’s got some great stories to tell.
These days, Pagano helps save the lives of accident victims and others who need an airlift to the hospital. As the director of medical transport and aeromedical facilities for the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, he keeps the county’s Trauma Hawk medical transport program running safely and efficiently. He also regularly pilots the helicopters.
Pagano played a key role in setting up the nonprofit medical transport program in the early 1990s. He helped obtain its air carrier operating certificate, purchase its two Sikorsky S76-C+ air ambulances, and spearhead construction of the Trauma Hawk hangar facility at Palm Beach International Airport. Under his leadership, the aeromedical program has provided care and air transport services for an estimated 12,000 traumatically injured or ill patients.
“It is very moving when someone who was severely injured and transported by Trauma Hawk visits our facility later to thank us for the care they received,” says Pagano.
Each Trauma Hawk flight crew includes at least one commercial instrument-rated pilot, a Florida-licensed registered nurse who is also a state-certified paramedic, and an additional state-certified paramedic.
Critically injured patients are flown to one of Palm Beach County’s two trauma centers: St. Mary’s Medical Center or Delray Medical Center.
Now in his 21st year with the Trauma Hawk program, Pagano is proud of the team he has hired and trained.
“This is definitely a team effort,” he says. “We have respect for one another and for the risks inherent in our jobs. That’s why our motto is Safety First.”
Pagano, 61, lives in coastal Delray Beach with his wife of three years, Karen Pagano (owner of Glimpse Eyewear in the city’s Pineapple Grove district) and their little dog, a Maltese named Jake.

— Paula Detwiller

Q. Where did you grow up and go to school? How do you think that has influenced you?
A. I attended Durham High School in Durham, Conn., and after graduating went on to the University of New Haven until leaving for military service.
Durham is a typical small friendly town where family, friends and community are most important. Growing up in the small town environment is certainly one of the factors affecting my decision to live here in Delray Beach.

Q. How did you become involved in the Health Care District’s Trauma Hawk program?
A. I was employed with Fire Rescue when the Health Care District’s Trauma Hawk program was getting started.
My experience and background qualified me for a pilot position and of course I accepted this opportunity with enthusiasm.

Q. What’s your favorite part of the work you do?
A. Flying, and in particular, helicopters, is a wonderful occupation.
When combined with life-saving air medicine, the personal feeling of accomplishment is tremendous. I couldn’t think of a more rewarding career. And while all the responsibilities of the job are extremely fulfilling, the life-saving aspect takes priority in my heart.

Q. What other careers have you had, and what were the highlights?
A. I did military service in the U.S. Army as a helicopter pilot with a tour in Vietnam. I later helped my father set up and operate a sewing factory in Connecticut.
The pride I felt from delivering a clothing product that was the best in the business was what I most enjoyed. I also worked as an air traffic controller for the FAA’s Air Route Traffic Control Center in Miami. I enjoyed the action and excitement of controlling fast-moving aircraft in a relatively small area and holding a conversation with 20 airlines captains at the same time.

Q. Have you had mentors in your life? Individuals who have inspired your life decisions?
A. Unfortunately, my dad passed away when I was fairly young, 38, but he had a tremendous effect on me. Although he was tough at times, he had a way to get things done and make everyone feel great about the smallest accomplishments. He was also an extraordinary problem-solver in his field, and I watched him resolve problems often that I would never have thought possible.  This has always inspired me to never give up no matter how daunting the task.

Q. Do you have a favorite quote that inspires your decisions?
A. Earl Nightingale’s quote, “We become what we think about.” When it comes to setting and reaching goals, I don’t know of a more powerful statement.

Q. How did you choose to make your home in Delray Beach?
A. I had the desire to move to Florida and after visiting Delray, I decided this was where I wanted to be. I moved here in 1988.

Q. What is your favorite part about living and working in this area?
A. Each day when I come home from work, I truly feel like I’m on vacation.

Q. Who or what makes you laugh?
A. My wife, Karen! I also get a kick out of Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers on the Saturday morning Car Talk radio program.

Q. If your life story were made into a movie, who would you want to play you?
A. Harrison Ford, who’s not only a good actor but also a helicopter pilot.
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