Election: Manalapan Commission Seat 1

Election Results:

Seat #1

David S. Cheifetz - 127 votes, 57.47%

Kelly S. Gottlieb - 94 votes, 42.53%


Manalapan Election: Commission Seat 5

Manalapan: Commissioners plan less formal discussion session

Town Commissioner Basil Diamond, whose Seat 1 term has expired, has won Seat 7 unopposed. Seat 3 incumbent Donald Brennen also is elected unopposed.  Seat 7 Commissioner Kelly Gottlieb is running in the Seat 1 race.  Seat 5 Commissioner William Bernstein is seeking re-election. The Seat 5 commissioner is elected by and represents the entire town, but must reside in Point Manalapan. Terms are two years with no salary.


Town Commission Seat 1

7960323677?profile=originalDAVID CHEIFETZ
PERSONAL: 70; married; three children; BBA Adelphi University.

PROFESSIONAL: Certified public accountant.

POLITICAL: Chairman architectural commission two years; member architectural commission four years; zoning commissioner; former member Harbor Commission, Westport, Conn.; former director New England Retinal Research Foundation.

PRIORITY: When elected, I shall advocate term limits for commissioners; a reorganization of the Town Commission whereby commissioners have more accountability for town functions based upon their individual skill sets. I shall make myself available at the library, on a regular scheduled basis, to listen to residents’ ideas and suggestions as to how to improve our town.



7960324063?profile=originalKELLY GOTTLIEB
PERSONAL: 69; married; three children; attended Pine Manor Junior College, Mass.; Reid Hall, Paris, France; Ecole du Louvre, Paris.

PROFESSIONAL: Formerly worked in public relations department Jaguar Cars, New York City; dealer relations and corporate secretary Inskip distributors, N. New Jersey; private and corporate pilot.

POLITICAL: Served on boards of Rockland (N.Y.) Country Day School and the Rockland Center for the Arts; was a safety counselor for the Teterboro (N.J.) Flight Standards District Office and a representative on the Teterboro Users Group.

PRIORITY: Main issues are the budget, water plant, development and management. I have always been an independent, voting on the merits of each case. Our community needs such independence so as to maintain the fairness of commission decisions.

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