I’ve worked under university grants that were discontinued for lack of funding, for Internet start-ups that failed when the hi-tech bubble burst and for an industry that needed to purge itself of well-paid middle management when the real estate bubble burst.

You could say I’ve been “busted” a few times.

As a result, I feel for the men and women who sat quietly and listened to their bosses talk about cutting “unnecessary services” during last month’s municipal budget workshops. I’ve seen their faces. They’re scared.

This summer, as I’ve attended the budget workshops for our coastal communities, I’ve heard the following in almost every town:

• The majority of elected officials do not want to raise taxes, and

• There’s a growing feeling that public employees have become an elite, protected class compared to workers in the private sector.

When I took my latest buyout, I was one of 300 who left the company. Two years later, some are seriously struggling with health issues, mortgage payments and day-to-day expenses. But others are embarking on envious adventures as they start their own businesses, go back to school, or take off to travel the world.

We all know that very few of us will ever return to a workplace with nice offices, dependable paychecks, expense accounts, benefits, savings plans and paid vacation.

The world has changed.

Job security — long gone from the private sector — is now looking shaky for public employees.

For all of us, these are hard times requiring hard decisions.

If you have the expertise to offer advice and solutions, please consider participating in the budget process in your town. Not only could it impact your local taxes and which community services remain, you may even be able to offer a solution that saves someone’s job.

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  • I biggest problem with the budgets in communities is the bad practices in the last 10 years. Economics 101. One dollar $1 has to equal One dollar. $1 = $1. What we did here and nation wide was cut the tax to 50 cents. We were still spending a dollar. The $1.50, then $2.00 the $3.00

    You do not give out billions in tax cuts then turn and say we are now going to shrink government to match these numbers. It can not happen. (nice chant though)

    You shrink government first then back down the taxes. No one wants to raise taxes but you are going to have to, then keep shrinking the government. Create new jobs that create new revenues.

    Here in Florida the property tax is the wrong way to go. To much of a burden on one type of tax payer. Why should some one live here, work here, and not pay taxes to support the system.? They do not own a home yet and we need to get their money into the tax system. The result is clear. Over burdened home tax., no money for schools ect. We raise our children betting on the Real Estate market going up. Not good. From the mouth of Dr. Choi." In all economics and in economic theory, One dollar has to equal ,One dollar"
    Michael John McCann
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