Thank you, loyal readers.
Once again your passion for our newspaper is inspirational. We always learn a lot from your feedback and this month exceeded expectations.
One thing many of you wanted to stress is that the plastic sleeve on our driveway-delivered newspaper is not wasted. It’s used for storing household items and for picking up dog poo. It’s good to know the plastic wrapper isn’t really single-use!
Some of you said you don’t mind taking the plastic delivery sleeves to the recycling bins at Publix. Thank you.
One reader suggested we run a contest with local universities and business incubators for innovative solutions. Good idea.
We were gently warned by another concerned reader that we are putting ourselves into an unenviable — even hypocritical — position by continuing to print on dead trees and tossing them into driveways. Can’t argue.
That’s why we’re exploring options to better provide local community news that won’t turn into a soggy mass of wood pulp on a rainy day.
Our business partners tell us they like the advertising display they get in our print product (we think it looks great!) and are willing to pay a premium for delivery into every household in our coastal area. It’s a business model that has worked for them (and for us) the past 11 years. Still, we don’t want to become complacent.
One model we see other newspaper companies embracing is underwriting. We’ve done the research and feel it might work for The Coastal Star as we explore switching hand-delivered home delivery to the U.S. Postal Service.
We’re still open to other business suggestions — keep them coming — but are hoping to move forward with offering underwriting opportunities before the end of the year.
So, if you know individuals, businesses or nonprofits that would like to reach our barrier island readers with a message of environmental awareness and concern, please ask them to contact us. Together we can find solutions.

Email us at

Mary Kate Leming, Editor

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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in DELRAY BEACH
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in DELRAY BEACH
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in SOUTH PALM BEACH
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in OCEAN RIDGE
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in MANALAPAN
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in DELRAY BEACH
Feb 26